The battle for the holiday weeks: “Stop Ego parents”

“Stop ego parents such as pies the holiday,” Linda Jerneck writes in a chronicle in Express that has aroused strong reactions.
Now she meets in debate about the battle around the most sought after holiday weeks.
– We should be pleased that we have a generous parental insurance, contrasts Maria Arkeby, Deputy Head of the Tankesmedjan Time, in after five.

In Sweden, parents are entitled to 480 days of parental allowance per child. For children between 18 months and 12 years, leave can be taken out if days remain, but after the 4th anniversary may be saved a maximum of 96 days.

Now in holiday search times, the battle for weeks 27-32 is a fact in many workplaces. Linda Jerneck criticizes parents who extend the holiday by taking out parental days and has received strong reactions to her chronicle via e -mail.

– People thank and say that they themselves have happened to this: “I am the only one at my job who does not have children. It’s my great sadness in life that I couldn’t get it. But that is why I am punished every holiday and get the scuttiest weeks. “

But she also gets reactions from readers who say she does not understand how difficult they have to get life together.

– “I work in health care, I am scheduled on red days. But then my children are home from school, what should I do?”

“Incredibly unequal today”

Maria Arkeby, Deputy Head of the Tankesmedjan Time, believes that there are significantly greater problems with parental insurance than parents trying to maximize the holiday. If you deal with inequality, much else will also settle as well, she thinks.

– If we are going to take a turnaround on parental insurance, we will look at that it is still so incredibly unequal today. That women have a life income that is SEK 6.3 million lower than men’s. Much of the reason for it is the first child, then it goes perform. Wages do not increase as much as men’s and career opportunities are not there.

Want to lower the limit

Sweden’s parental insurance is more generous than neighboring countries and Linda Jerneck thinks you should take them and lower the number of days you can save. In Sweden you can save days until the child is twelve, but she thinks it is enough with Denmark’s limit in nine years. Linda Jerneck believes that parents use that employers cannot deny parental leave.

– I think it is deeply unsolidic with my colleagues. This means that those who do not have children have to chop in, move in and work every Christmas when most people want to be vacant. I think it’s strange that you can do it until the children are 11-12 years old.

The days should primarily be there to take out when the children are young, she thinks. But Maria Arkeby, Deputy Head of the Tankesmedjan Time, does not agree.

– We need to have the days left even as the children get older. Just for those who do not have the opportunity to be at home or take leave, and to accompany the children on various doctor visits, for example.

Yesterday 17:35

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