The Batman star Robert Pattinson criticizes weight loss madness in Hollywood

The Batman star Robert Pattinson criticizes weight loss madness in

Robert Pattinson is one of the most exciting actors of the moment. It’s not just his extremely inspired role choices, which takes him from mainstream blockbuster to arthouse gem. Made famous by Harry Potter and Twilight, Pattinson defies many of the Hollywood-imposed clichés.

This also includes how you treat your body. Where many colleagues don’t stop talking about the hard training for a role, Pattinson delivered it during the press tour for The Batman Antithesis to the optimization mania and preferred to answer questions about the development of his physique rather than his muscles.

The Batman star Robert Pattinson on Hollywood body standards

Also in a recent interview with ES Magazine, the actor comes up with the impossible Hollywood body standards to speak. Pattinson is trying to break away from the excessive workouts cultivated by superhero stars like Chris Hemsworth and Dwayne Johnson.

Even if you’re just watching your calorie intake, it’s extraordinarily addictive – and you don’t really realize how insidious it all is until it’s too late.

You can watch the trailer for The Batman here:

The Batman – Trailer 2 (German) HD

Pattinson says he hasn’t had any issues with his body image so far. Still, he’s tried different things in the past, though never for a long period of time away. This included a potato diet.

I once ate nothing but potatoes for two weeks to detox. Just boiled potatoes and pink Himalayan salt. Apparently this is supposed to be cleansing… you definitely lose weight. What are the next films with Robert Pattinson?

We won’t be seeing a muscle-bound Robert Pattinson on the big screen anytime soon. Next, he cites Joon-ho Bong’s new sci-fi film called Mickey 17, out on March 28, 2024 comes to German cinemas. In addition, The Batman 2 is in development.

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