More and more people are applying for debt restructuring. During the first two months of the year, the Kronofogden saw an increase of 25 percent compared to the same period last year. In total, there are more than 6,000 cases. – We see no tendency to slow down, on the contrary it seems to be accelerating, says Erik Borgström, head of the authority’s debt restructuring unit. With rising interest rates and high food prices, more and more people are contacting the Swedish Enforcement Agency to get so-called debt relief. This means that you draw up a payment plan and then live on the subsistence minimum for five years. – In metropolitan areas, this generally means that you are also forced to sell your home if you own it, says Erik Borgström. Increases most among young people under 30 The group that increases the most is young people under 30. There, the number of applications has increased by 30 percent compared to 2022. Erik Borgström believes that this is because young people more often live on the margins. Debt restructuring is granted in roughly 40 percent of all cases. – But you must remember that this is absolutely the last resort, says Erik Borgström.
The bailiff warns: Rush after debt settlement