After a sequence of storms and depressions, calm time returns to France, but for how long?
Time is very disrupted in France in recent days. Brittany has been particularly affected by strong floods. New rains, but weaker, are still falling on the northwest quarter this Friday, January 31. Storms also occur on the Azure side and in Corsica. This weekend, the weather will improve with the return of the high pressure. If morning grisailles will be noticeable and a depression will still hang out in the Mediterranean, the sun will be the majority during the day on two northern thirds of the country for this first day of February.
The temperatures will, on the other hand, lower: it will be between 0 and 11 degrees in the morning and between 4 and 13 degrees in the afternoon. On Sunday, the sun will gain three-quarters of the country, but the temperatures will continue their fall, which can pass under 0 in the morning, especially the northeast. They will fall on average a degree below seasonal normal for this Candlemas day.

According to The weather channelIVO depression is “the last in a long series”. This dry time could thus be durable. Until the surroundings of February 8-10, the weather should, according to the estimates, remain relatively calm. Météo-France plans, in fact, for the next week that “time should remain generally dry on the country accompanied by temperatures most often lower than normal of a few degrees”. If the next ten days are therefore more quiet, it will not necessarily rhyme with a constant sun. Next week, clouds are expected in the northwest.
For school holidays that will then start, uncertainty remains. Around February 8, unstable lifts could affect the Tour of the Mediterranean. However, on the rest of the country, it is a relatively dry time which should predominate, but snow may be missing on certain massifs in low altitude. In mid-February, anticyclone could weaken and let more disturbances pass, especially in the west. For February, The weather channel Opens globally “a very soft month with fairly low or scattered precipitation for the season and high school conditions in the southern half”.