The Ayatollah’s niece described the Iranian regime as murderous and killing children – arrested

The Ayatollahs niece described the Iranian regime as murderous and

According to opposition sources, Farideh Moradkhani was arrested on Wednesday when she went to answer the prosecutor’s charges.

18:51•Updated 18:54

Iranian authorities have arrested the country’s supreme leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei niece, her brother said on Sunday.

Farideh Moradkhani is a well-known opponent of the current regime in Iran, who has been in prison before for his actions.

Brother of Farideh Moradkhan Mahmoud Moradkhani posted on social media on Saturday a link to a video made by his sister, in which she criticized Iran’s current leadership in harsh terms.

– Free people, be with us. Demand your governments stop supporting this murderous and child-killing regime, Farideh Moradkhani says in the video.

According to opposition sources, Farideh Moradkhani was arrested on Wednesday when she went to the prosecutor to answer the charges. He had been released on bail in April, but now he may have to serve his 15-year sentence in prison.

At least 416 people have been killed and 14,000 have been arrested in the weeks-long protests in Iran, say opposition sources.

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