The authority after new report: Strengthen patients’ rights

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

TV4 Nyheterna was previously able to tell about Olivia who was exposed to so-called external pressure, a form of forced expulsion of the child, during her birth.

This despite the fact that she clearly stated in her maternity letter that she opposed such treatment. There were also no medical reasons.

Up to one in ten women state that during their childbirth they have been subjected to interventions against their will. Now the Authority for care and care analysis believes that the Patient Act must strengthen patients’ rights when it comes to consent to care.

– Care must be based on respect for patients’ integrity and self-determination. It is a central part of healthcare legislation and the Patient Act. It is serious if it is not followed, says Ida Nyström, investigator at the Agency for Care and Care Analysis.
