The authorities gave up – the teacher Marléne brought home two abducted children

An empty school desk was the beginning of Marléne Stenman’s involvement. A girl, whom she knew was ill at home, had been taken to her parents’ homeland during the summer holidays. In secret, the girl and teacher Marléne Stenman texted almost daily.

– I empathized with the distress she experienced and felt “who will help a child when those who are there to help the child do not”. I couldn’t resist doing more, says Marléne Stenman, who started organizing a rescue operation.

Planned the girl’s escape

After a couple of months, the Social Services and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that they could do nothing more. Marléne Stenman contacted people who were in the country where the girl was being held against her will and together they were able to plan the girl’s escape from the family.

– She needed help to get to a place to get help to the embassy. She was therefore a long way away, says Marléne Stenman.

Recently, in a similar way, she was able to support an abducted boy whom she got in touch with through the association Don’t Forget Pela and Fadimes (GAPF) helpline, where she works on a voluntary basis.

– It is not the case that authorities act operatively to help children. That is my view, says Marléne Stenman.

Sent on educational trips

So far this year, 50 minors have been taken abroad in an honorary context, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ preliminary figures. The Minister for Equality was critical of the lack of help for dishonorable children who are taken abroad in Uppdrag gränskning’s series “Abducted”.

– We in Sweden have been far too passive and have sat and watched when the rights and freedoms of children and girls are violated, says Paulina Brandberg (L) in the series.

Knowledge about abducted boys is less than about girls, says university lecturer Devin Rexvid. Often it is about educational trips. The reason may be that the boy does not take responsibility for the family’s honor, in the sense of controlling and disciplining the family’s women. Another reason could be sexual orientation.

– The boys are the backbone for the culture of honor in the family to be maintained, and that requires that he is heterosexual and can provide heirs, says Devin Rexvid.
