The aunt was forced to drink vinegar as a child

The aunt of the girl in the vinegar case testifies to a tough childhood. She too was forced to drink vinegar as a child, she tells SVT.
– It’s too sick to be true, she tells the channel.

The then six-year-old girl was locked in the laundry room without food, brutally beaten and forced to drink vinegar until she was close to death.

Now her aunt testifies that she too had a “torture-like upbringing” where she was subjected to violence by an adult. This is reported by SVT.

Among other things, she was forced, like the girl, to drink vinegar as a child.

– He thought he would shut me up so he took me into the toilet, held my jaw while pouring vinegar on me, she says.

Suspected the sister

According to the aunt, who regularly spent time with the sister, the girl was rarely allowed to join parties, for example. She began to suspect her sister and tells SVT that she made an anonymous report of concern to social services.

– That was the last time I saw them.

A year later, she was called for questioning and was told about the suspicions directed at the parents.

“Too sick to be true”

It was a shock for her to hear that the sister also subjected her little daughter to the same thing.

– Exposing one of her own children to something she herself witnessed as a child, she tells SVT and continues:

– I don’t know which word fits, it’s too sick to be true.

After a long trial, the girl’s parents, a 43-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman, were sentenced to eight years in prison by the Lund District Court against their refusal.

The case has been appealed to the Court of Appeal, where the negotiations will conclude this week.
