The attack lasted for over an hour – now questions are raised after the school deed in Uvalde

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

At 11.40, heavily armed Salvador Ramos entered Robb Elementary School. Only an hour later did the police manage to storm the classroom.

The time it took for the police to neutralize the shooter has aroused anger, not least among relatives of the victims who now demand answers from the authorities, reports AP.

In the middle of the ongoing act, frustrated witnesses called on the police on the spot to enter the school. It was only when the American border police arrived that the 18-year-old was shot to death.

“Go in! Go in! ”Several women shouted at the police shortly after the attack began, says witness Juan Carranza, who lives near the school.

– More could have been done. They were unprepared.

A locked door prevented the police

A police officer tells AP that the door to the classroom was locked or barricaded. The patrol must then have had problems breaking open the door, and instead called in personnel to unlock the door.

Witness Juan Carranza tells the AP that the police should have entered the school much earlier.

– There were several. He was just one, he says.

Much about the course of events is still unclear. Authorities are still working to clarify the timeline for the attack.
