the (astronomical) start date is known

the astronomical start date is known

RAMADAN. The representative body of Islam in France, the CFCM, has announced the (theoretical) date of the start of the Muslim fast of Ramadan 2022 (1443), based on the astronomical calculation. End of the fast, meaning, rules, recipes… Consult our special page.

[Mis à jour le 15 mars 2022 à 12h23] According to a press release dated March 13 and relayed by the group franceinfo, the CFCM (French Council of Muslim Worship), representative body of Islam in France, announced the astronomical date of the beginning of the month of Ramadan: “In accordance with scientific data, the conjunction of the new moon of Ramadan 1443H will take place on April 1, 2022 at 06:24 hours (UTC). The visibility of the moon will be possible on the same day on the American continent and part of the African continent,” said the office of the instance. As a result, “Saturday April 2, 2022 is the first day of Ramadan in the year 1443H” says the CFCM. The end date of Ramadan 2022 / 1443 (current year in the Islamic lunar calendar) estimated by astronomical calculations is available here.

The CFCM wishes Muslims in France to “live during this blessed month great moments of tranquility, solidarity and sharing”. “The Muslims of France, deeply attached to the spirit of sharing and solidarity of this month, will also be able to find the means to bring it to life by joining forces with humanitarian and charitable organizations, by providing support to all our fellow citizens in difficulty. as well as refugees.”

A night of doubt to formalize the start date of Ramadan

The traditional “announcement night” at the Great Mosque of Paris is expected by the end of March, in order to record the date of the first day of Ramadan. The month of Chaabane, which precedes Ramadan in the lunar calendar, began on March 4 , indicates the Great Mosque of Paris. The Night of Doubt announcing the start of the fast therefore takes place on Friday April 1, corresponding to the 29th day of the month of Chaabane. It is at the end of this meeting organized at the Grand Mosque of Paris that a date for the start of fasting will be officially announced to Muslims.The CTMF (Muslim Theological Council of France) has announced the start and end dates of Ramadan as of March 2. The Grand Mosque of Paris Paris specified on March 4 that the month of Chaabane thus preceding Ramadan “allows Muslims to prepare themselves spiritually for the next month of fasting and worship”. “In these hours when peace is in danger, the imams of the Great Paris Mosque and I invite all Muslims in France to multi bend the invocations, during this month of Chaabane, for the end of armed conflicts and for fraternity to regain the hearts of men,” said the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, Chems-Eddine Hafiz.

NB: Please note that an important change took place in 2021 with the announcement of the split between the French Council for Muslim Worship, the institution representing the Muslim faith in France and four of its former Muslim federations (FFAIACA, GMP, MF and RMF). Since that thunderclap in the sky of Islam in France, the CFCM is once again relying on scientific data to formalize the dates of Ramadan, several weeks in advance. It is also the modus operandi followed by the Muslim Theological Council of France (CTMF, a body of imams particularly close to the Muslim Brotherhood, but who do not replace the representative bodies).

Ramadan 2022 (1443) takes place, according to its date estimated by astronomical calculations, from Saturday April 2 to Monday May 2. According to these forecasts, the theoretical date of Eid al-Fitr, the feast of breaking the fast, corresponds to Tuesday, May 3 (first day of the month of Shawwal 1442, the lunar month following that of Ramadan). Dates to be confirmed on the night of the announcement.

Ramadan 2022 takes place in spring this year. The period forming part of the five pillars of Islam takes place a little earlier each year in the Gregorian calendar (the one used today administratively in France).

Ramadan is actually the name of the ninth month of the year in the Hijri calendar, a month of fasting in the Muslim tradition. And as for each month of this lunar calendar, it begins precisely when the first crescent of the new moon is visible in the sky. According to the Koran, on the first day of Ramadan, the Muslim who observes it must perform a great ablution – that is to say, carry out a purification with pure water – and formulate his intention to fast every day. of the holy month. In other words, refrain from eating, drinking, having sex or smoking, from dawn until sunset.

When the fast ends, Muslims celebrate the end of Ramadan: theEid ul Fitr (breakup party). Depending on the year, and once again depending on the sighting of the moon, it takes place 29 or 30 days after the start of Ramadan. But’Eid al-Fitr is not just about celebrating. The celebration brings together families and friends who wish each other happiness and health on this day of brotherhood. Around the world, Muslims celebrate it by preparing a rich meal before indulging in prayers. It is also the duty of the faithful to keep part of the food for the poorest. Special attentions to the family are also customary, such as gifts or a phone call. It is also a day of self-assessment and reflection where every Muslim can take stock of the past month of fasting. Many rituals complete the program, from the ritual bath before the morning prayer to the consumption of dates in odd numbers before leaving the house, through the act of “takbir”. The latter consists of singing on the way to one’s place of prayer, to the glory of Allah.

Fasting (saum) is precisely described in the Quran. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are advised not to eat, drink, smoke, or have sexual relations between dawn and sunset (more details here). More generally, asceticism concerns all behavior considered contrary to Islam. This restriction is to celebrate the month when the holy book was revealed to Muhammad. At night, celebrations (including meals) are permitted, if not encouraged. The evening meal, iftar, is a key moment: many Muslims gather at home, in cultural centers or mosques to share food.

The prohibitions of the month of Ramadan are quite strict. Deliberately eating, drinking, smoking, or having sex during the day invalidates his fast. Since forgetting cannot be punished, on the other hand, drinking or eating something inadvertently does not invalidate the fast. Deliberately having sex during the day of Ramadan is considered a “great sin”. It is completely allowed to swallow saliva, and of course, to brush your teeth. The only real prohibition is to swallow anything other than your own saliva. On the other hand, it is forbidden to wear make-up, even if it can sometimes be tolerated in Muslim countries. It is also forbidden to make obscene remarks, swear words, give false testimony and even engage in “stupid” behavior. A healthy diet and good hydration are also to be favored when breaking the fast. Overall, taking a nap, avoiding exposure to the sun and limiting physical exertion are also part of the practices to follow to stay healthy.

In concrete terms, the practice of fasting is extended to all Muslims, excluding the elderly, children, the sick (whether they are suffering from mental or physical disorders), pregnant women, or women breastfeeding or having their periods. . Some travelers may also delay their fast. For these people, helping the poor is seen as a valid substitution for ritual.

“Ramadan Mubarak” is the formula used in the Muslim religion to wish a happy Ramadan to loved ones.

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For the fast-breaking meal, Ramadan practitioners prepare tasty meals. Discover recipe ideas on the women’s diary.
