Artificial intelligence It started to take place in every aspect of our lives. Such development of AI technology has given birth to new initiatives for academic education in this field. In this context, we had previously announced the news that artificial intelligence departments would be opened in universities. There are new developments regarding this news that excites many students. According to the statement made by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure The era of artificial intelligence is beginning in university. In the 2024 – 2025 academic year AI technology courses will start, so which departments will they be?? Here are the details…
Artificial Intelligence Era Begins at University
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu artificial intelligence to universities announced his arrival. AI courses will start in 2024 – 2025. Within the scope of this project, carried out in cooperation with the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK) and the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), artificial intelligence courses will be added to the curriculum. In our age, technology has begun to be used in many areas of life. AI technology Teaching it at universities will help young people use their interest in this field productively.
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AI courses to universities BTK Academy education infrastructure will be used during the transition and the contents will be created with universities. In this context, in the first place 12 associate degree programs will open. There will also be 5 AI-based undergraduate programs, but this may be at the next stage. Some courses within the scope of the mentioned associate degree programs BTK Academy will be given by. According to the statement made by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, relevant artificial intelligence courses will be reflected in students’ transcripts. In other words, the courses the student takes from BTK Academy will become official.
According to the statement made by Minister Uraloğlu, in June artificial intelligence based courses preparations will be completed. Artificial intelligence courses will come to universities, but how experienced are the instructors in this field? This question comes to the mind of almost everyone who will enroll in an associate degree program. Of course, this whole process is a new initiative and the instructors at universities are not experienced enough. However, according to the statement, instructors also AI technology They will receive training and their competencies in this field will increase.

Which Universities Will Open Artificial Intelligence Departments?
As stated by YÖK President Erol Özvar, artificial intelligence departments will be opened in the following universities:
- Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University
- Ataturk University
- Bursa Technical University
- Aegean University
- Eskisehir Technical University
- Gaziantep University
- Harran University
- Karabuk University
- Karadeniz Technical University
- Kayseri University
- University of Kocaeli
- Konya Technical University
- Manisa Celal Bayar University
- Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University
- Ondokuz Mayıs University
- Sakarya University
- Sakarya University of Applied Sciences
- Sivas Cumhuriyet University
- University of Trakya
- Yıldız Technical University

AI Departments to be Opened in Universities
As we mentioned above, in the first place 12 associate degree programs will be launched in the 2024 – 2025 academic year. Planned to open AI departments can be listed as follows:
- Artificial Intelligence Operator
- Big Data Analyst
- Autonomous Systems Technician
- Digital Conversion Electronics
- Robotics And Artificial Intelligence
- Game Development and Programming
- Cloud Computing Operator
- Manufacturing Execution Systems
- Enterprise IT Expertise
- Unmanned Vehicle Technician
- Front-End Software Development
- Back-End Software Development