The arrest of Majid: “Can calm”

According to reports, Foxtrot’s leader Rawa Majid has been arrested in Iran.
It could become a tipping point for the mindless violence.
– As I have gathered, there is a certain will on the part of opponents of Rawa Majid, if he is caught or dies, to put an end to the killing, says crime reporter Diamant Salihu to
Sweden’s radio Ekot.

The “Kurdish fox” Rawa Majid is said to have been arrested in a traffic control in Iran on Friday, according to information to several media and to the police.

If he is imprisoned in Iran, it could open the spiral of violence of shootings and explosions between the two different phalanxes of the Foxtrot network to subside.

– This would mean that Rawa Majid’s side is greatly weakened, and it could lead to the other side not thinking it is worth continuing with acts of violence to put pressure on him, says Fredrik Sjöshult, crime columnist at Expressen, in News morning.

“His network in ruins”

SVT’s crime reporter Diamant Salihu, who has long covered the network conflicts, says he has received signals that Rawa Majid’s opponents want to step down.

– As I have gathered, there is a certain will on the part of opponents of Rawa Majid, if he is arrested or dies, to put an end to the killing that has been methodically directed at relatives of people in the conflict environment, says crime reporter Diamant Salihu to Sweden’s radio Ekot.

Majid’s part of the network is weakened.

– His network is already in ruins, at least the part of the phalanx that has chosen to remain on his side so far. People who were close to Rawa Majid who relied on his patronage and sponsorship are worried, says Diamant Salihu.

Many want to move up in the networks

Although an arrest of Majid would weaken his part in the network, there is generally pressure from below with new ones wanting to enter the networks and rise to the top, says Salihu.

– As it stands today, people are caught and die all the time, even in this top chain, but new ones are filling up. Unfortunately, right now there are a lot of people pushing to take over. As soon as there is a vacuum in the criminal environment, others see their chance.
