The armed forces get a new uniform – should suit women better

The armed forces get a new uniform should suit

In cooperation with Finland, Norway and Denmark, the Armed Forces will start phasing in a new uniform starting this autumn.

The new power battle uniform MSU24 offers a greater variety and more combinations of garments. Extra thought has also been given to how the moisture can be transported as well as possible, so that you don’t get wet.

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Each country has its own camouflage

The cooperation between the countries started already in 2013.

“Sample collections were procured and field testing was carried out in all four countries. All resulting in a common uniform system where very few details differ between the countries. Each country, however, has its own camouflage pattern,” writes the Armed Forces on its website.

To the untrained eye, the new uniform looks very similar to the previous one. So what exactly is the difference? First of all, Sweden actually gets a new camouflage:

– The new pattern is very similar to the old one, but we have shrunk it a bit, and three kroner are also embedded in the fabric, says Marvin Lifbomhead of the department Common equipment within the Logistics business area, to Aftonbladet.


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Steffo Törnquist got to try on the new uniforms before the camouflage was added. Photo: TV4/NyhetsmorgonPhoto: TV4/Nyhetsmorgon”It should fit just as well for women”

To maintain its combat value, the fit is important. The new uniform comes in about 30 sizes and is more customizable than before.

Among other things, this is important so that the uniform fits women better than before.

– It is very clear with the new system, it should suit women just as well. Previously, you went to the warehouse and said your height and weight, and you got equipment based on that. Now the sizes are based on chest width and butt width, says Lifbom The evening paper.

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