the Ardisson program which brings dead stars back to life

the Ardisson program which brings dead stars back to life

HOTEL OF TIME. France 3 draws a completely new program concept with “Hôtel du temps” this Monday, May 2, 2022: bringing deceased stars back to life during interviews with Thierry Ardisson, based on archive images. Explanations.

[Mis à jour le 2 mai 2022 à 14h54] hotel of time is a France 3 program with a completely new and almost futuristic concept. Deceased personalities from the world of culture and entertainment come to life for an interview with Thierry Ardisson. This Monday, May 2, 2022, the first episode sees the return to the screen of Dalida, who disappeared 35 years ago. If, of course, it is not really the singer who speaks in front of the Man in Black, the third channel ensures that their words are “authentic”, since the heirs of each of the personalities of the show are informed of the process and have access to the scenario. Indeed, Orlando, the brother of Dalidavalidated the scenario featuring the interview with his sister: “The public will discover and understand things without voyeurism, he explains to TV Magazine. It’s as if Dalida had come back to give an interview.”

But how are late stars resurrected in Hotel of time? Comedians played the interviewed legends before being digitally edited. Several artificial intelligence technologies from the French company Mac Guff are used in the France 3 broadcast. First, the Face Retriever, which digitally models the features of the stars on the actors, taking up the principle of the technique deep fake. Then, what is called the Talking Picture, which allows giving the floor (generally to photos, paintings or sculptures) during duplexes between the guest and other stars. Finally, Ircam amplify, using technologies from the Center Pompidou’s Music Acoustic Coordination Research Institute, has developed the Voice Cloning technique to digitally reconstruct the voices of interviewees from existing recordings.

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Dalida is the subject of the first issue ofhotel of time, broadcast on France 3 on April 2, 2022. For the purposes of this reconstituted interview, an actress embodies the singer who disappeared opposite Thierry Ardisson, before her face and voice are digitally modified. Julie Chevallier is the actress who lent herself to the game. We could see her before in The Mysteries of Love, Cloclo or your random heart. According to Orlando, Dalida’s brother, Julie Chevallier has “worked on her accent a lot” and has “exactly the same hands as Dalida, very long”. A successful casting therefore, as he reveals in an interview with TV Mag before the broadcast of the first episode.
