The amount of money Google pays Apple every year is on the agenda again

The amount of money Google pays Apple every year is

The money Google pays to Apple every year is making a splash again. Company pays Apple to keep Google the default search engine on iPhones doing.

Within the scope of the claim made by an analyst last month GoogleiPhone’s default search engine “Google Search” in order to keep It was said that Apple is paid between 18 and 20 billion dollars every year. More specific data came today, stating that Google only gave Apple It was said that he paid exactly 18 billion in 2021. It has been brought to the agenda that such high payments have been made before, This situation made a lot of noise both because of Google’s dominance in the field and because it was seen as anti-competitive.. This payment process has been making headlines frequently lately. Because the United States Department of Justice, which has taken a step in recent months, has filed a lawsuit against Google. Claiming to have monopoly control over the digital advertising market filed a lawsuit. Eight states, including New York, California and Colorado, also joined the Justice Department complaint, according to a statement made at the time. Within the scope of the decisions to be obtained from this case Stopping Google’s anti-competitive steps, The aim is to eliminate the company’s monopolistic dominance in the market and restore competition in the digital advertising industry.


It is still unknown how this case, whose negotiations started at the beginning of the month, will conclude, but among the names that spoke within the scope of the case were: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is also included.

Never been able to rival Google through their own search engine, Bing. Satya Nadella, In court, Google has been applying for years to dominate the search engine market. He said it was caused by unfair practices.

Even nadella Here he also blamed the technology giant Apple. Nadella, Apple And Google search engine agreement between Bing and other search engines to compete He said he believed he made it impossible.
