the American pier has been reinstalled, humanitarian aid deliveries resume – L’Express

the real humanitarian hiccup from the Pentagon – LExpress

The American army said on Saturday June 8 that it had resumed the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gazan population from the temporary pier built on the Gaza coast and damaged by a storm at the end of May. Israel’s primary military supporter, Washington installed this pier off the coast of Gaza in mid-May in the face of severe restrictions imposed by the Jewish state on the land delivery of aid to the Palestinian territory, ravaged by eight months of war.

According to the United Nations, almost all of the Gaza Strip’s 2.4 million residents have been displaced by fighting and bombardment, and are food insecure, with the risk of large-scale famine. .

Information to remember

⇒ Gaza: aid delivery resumes from the temporary American jetty

⇒ Two deaths and major fires in southern Lebanon after Israeli bombings

⇒ Ship hit by missile strike off Yemen

Gaza: aid delivery resumes from temporary US jetty

The American army announced on Saturday June 8 that it had resumed the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gazan population from the temporary pier built by the United States on the Gaza coast and damaged by a storm at the end of May .

READ ALSO: Michael Spagat: “The death rate in Gaza? One of the fastest since the Second World War”

On Saturday at around 10:30 a.m. local time, the US Middle East Command (Centcom) “began delivery of humanitarian aid ashore in Gaza. Today (Saturday) a total of some 492 tons of aid essential humanitarian aid have been delivered to the population of Gaza,” he said in a statement on the social network aid deliveries “in the coming days”.

Lebanon: two dead after Israeli bombings

Israeli bombings targeted several regions in southern Lebanon on Saturday, killing two people, including a Hezbollah fighter, and triggering large fires, state media and the Lebanese Islamist movement reported. Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Lebanese Hezbollah, support of the Palestinian Islamist movement, has regularly exchanged fire with the Israeli army. In recent weeks, violence has intensified and exchanges of fire have sparked fires on both sides of the border.

Ship hit by missile strike off Yemen

A missile hit a cargo ship on Saturday off the coast of Yemen, where attacks by Yemeni Houthi rebels are increasing against merchant shipping, announced the British maritime security company Ambrey, which did not report any injuries. “A cargo ship flying the flag of Antigua and Barbuda was hit by an 83NM missile southeast of Aden (Yemen) […] A fire broke out but was extinguished […] People in small boats nearby opened fire on the vessel during the incident,” Ambrey said, adding that no injuries were reported.

READ ALSO: Gaza: the death count at the heart of a battle of stories between Israel and Hamas

Britain’s maritime safety agency UKMTO confirmed an “incident” in the area in which “an unknown projectile” struck a vessel, and urged vessels to exercise caution. “All the crew are safe and the ship continues on its way,” added the agency. According to the Ambrey company, “a second missile was seen but did not hit” the cargo ship.

Gaza: Colombia to suspend coal sales to Israel

Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced on Saturday the upcoming suspension of coal exports from his country to Israel as long as the war in the Gaza Strip continues. “We will suspend coal exports to Israel until it stops the genocide“, this left-wing leader wrote on the social network

The leader announced in May the severance of diplomatic relations with Israel and described the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “genocidal” in its conduct of the war in the Gaza Strip. He also put an end to the purchase of weapons manufactured by Israel, one of the main suppliers of the South American country’s security forces.
