The American market shines on Russia’s willingness to talk

The American market shines on Russias willingness to talk

(Finance) – Euphoric session for Wall Streetwith the Dow Jones showing a jump of 2.05%; along the same line, theS & P-500, which continues trading at 4,358 points (+ 1.60%). Fractional earnings for the Nasdaq 100 (+ 0.6%); with similar direction, positiveS&P 100 (+ 1.5%). Investor sentiment benefits from Moscow’s openness to negotiations, with the Kremlin saying President Vladimir Putin is ready to send a delegation to Minsk for negotiations with Ukraine. They stand out in the S&P 500 i basket sectors financial (+ 2.96%), materials (+ 2.85%) e consumer goods for the office (+ 2.72%).

On the macroeconomic front, in January 2022 the American household expenses, while incomes remained flat; the PCE price index core, a measure of inflation, rose further. In addition, they have grown much more than expected orders for durable goods Americans in January 2022.

To the top between giants of Wall Street, Johnson & Johnson (+ 5.03%), 3M (+ 4.86%), Merck (+ 4.25%) e Procter & Gamble (+ 3.90%).

The worst performances, on the other hand, are recorded on Home Depotwhich gets -0.56%.

On the podium of the Nasdaq titles, Mercadolibre (+ 6.24%), NetEase (+ 5.16%), Monster Beverage (+ 4.11%) e Paypal (+ 4.07%).

The worst performances, on the other hand, are recorded on Zscalerwhich gets -20.00%.

Letter on Modernwhich records a significant decline of 4.89%.

Goes down Zoom Video Communicationswith a fall of 4.08%.

Collapses Crowdstrike Holdingswith a decline of 3.24%.
