The ambiguities of cinema and television in the face of #MeToo

The ambiguities of cinema and television in the face of

The ambiguities of French cinema and the audiovisual world in the face of the #MeToo wave are currently resurfacing with the opening of the Cannes festival.

The #MeToo of cinema now has a muse, Judith Godreche, at the origin of a testimony in Mediapart, in February, which resulted in two complaints against directors Jacques Doillon and Benoît Jacquot. The actress, who accused cinema of being “ a cover for illicit trafficking of young girls » obtained the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into sexual violence in the 7th art and the audiovisual sector. It is therefore probably not by chance that a rumor from social networks mentioned an alleged Mediapart investigation involving ten big names in French cinema.

Before the online newspaper denied this rumor, there was, as we know, a sort of excitement. On C8, in particular, Cyril Hanouna spoke of a “ explosive list of ten big names in French cinema ”, without citing a single one. In reality, a name came out, that of producer Alain Sarde, accused by nine women of rape and sexual assault in the magazine She. The rumor actually came to interfere with a fight.

The world of television must itself deal with this #MeToo wave

Of course, firstly because films are often pre-purchased or financed by channels, first Canal+, then France 2 and France 3, which then broadcast them. Movies Beautiful of Benoît Jacquot And CE2 of Jacques Doillon have had their release suspended and it is not known when they will be released. France Télévisions, partner of Cannes film festivalindicates having “ took the side of women’s voices “. He financed Me too, the film by Judith Godrèche, refrains from any homage to Gérard Depardieu and has made it known that he will suspend any film about which revelations are made. In reality, it is a little more complicated since the film Little Nature, directed by Samuel Theis, is well present on the platform. However, this actor is implicated in a case of rape by a technician on the set Anatomy of a fall.

The National Cinema Center is also concerned

Since 2020, the CNC has developed compulsory training against sexual and gender-based violence during or alongside filming. Only, that same year, its president? Dominique Boutonnat is accused of sexual assault by his 21-year-old godson while on vacation. He will be tried on June 14 for this. But the publication by Release The hearing reports turn out to be quite damning.

On Monday, it was brandishing the front page of the newspaper titled “ The man who embarrasses French cinema » that around a hundred professionals requested his resignation before the CNC. At their head, Judith Godrèche.
