The alarm: Children’s nude pictures are being spread on school accounts

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It is about so-called exposure accounts, or threads on forums, that contain nude pictures of children. The accounts are often focused on a particular geographic region or school and get their content from other kids who share the photos.

In the children’s rights organization Ecpat’s annual survey “Nude online”, where young people share their experiences of sexual crimes online, 90 percent of the children answer that they know about exposure accounts. 60 percent state that they themselves have visited such an account at some point.

Ecpat’s general secretary Anna Karin Hildingson says that it is mainly girls who are exposed to the spread of the nude images and the social stigma that it entails.

– The consequences will be enormous. It is such a local context, and is obviously connected to the physical world. Some stop going to school, or drop out altogether. There are constant negative thoughts, depression, suicidal thoughts.

In the clip above, fourteen-year-olds Noelle and Olivia talk about their experience with exposure accounts
