The al-Hol prison camp in Syria was hit by an airstrike

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There is a heavy fire at the oil field in north-eastern Syria which was subjected to Turkish airstrikes on Thursday. According to Kurdish sources, the al-Hol prison camp in northeastern Syria has also been hit. The camp houses over 50,000 prisoners from, among others, the terrorist movement IS.

– Kurdish media reports that there has been bombing on the outskirts of the camp, against military bases. Some of the so-called IS families must have succeeded or tried to escape. So now they have a form of operation to capture them, says Middle East correspondent Terese Cristiansson.

Turkey has directed a wave of airstrikes against suspected military targets in northern Syria and Iraq, in retaliation for the recent deadly bombing in Istanbul.

“Reasonably, it is about Iraqi and Syrian IS families” – Terese Cristiansson reports on the latest.
