The airline giant’s unusual move – starts weighing passengers: “Can be scary”

The airline Air New Zealand now chooses to take a different approach, to say the least, when they have now decided to conduct an anonymous survey. It involves weighing its passengers before it is time for departure on international trips, reports BBC.

10,000 passengers must be weighed before departure

By having information about the weight of the passengers and thus the total weight of the entire aircraft, it is hoped to improve fuel efficiency in the future.

“We know stepping on the scale can be intimidating. We want to reassure our customers that there is no visible screen anywhere. By weighing in, you help us fly safely and efficiently every time,” an airline spokesperson told BBC.

The airline conducted a similar survey in 2021. This time, it will ask 10,000 passengers to weigh in on international travel between May 29 and July 2.

For those who are worried about a possible trip with the airline, the survey will be voluntary.
