The air conditioner that fell from the 17th floor took life! Moments of horror second by second on camera

An air conditioner weighing 30 kg fell on the head of a 21-year-old university student walking on the sidewalk in Taiwan’s capital Taipei from the 17th floor. An ambulance was called to the scene while the surrounding citizens helped the girl who collapsed to the ground. The student, whose surname was learned to be Huang, died at the scene.

It was reported that the worker with the surname Li, who installed the air conditioner, was detained and an investigation was launched against him on the charge of “murder”.

While an investigation into the incident was initiated, it was stated that all installation work in the building where the air conditioner fell was stopped.
Taiwanese Ministry of Labor said in a statement that if safety regulations are violated during the installation process, the worker’s employer can be fined up to $9,648 under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

