the AI ​​used by Volkswagen to bring Elis Regina back to life

the AI ​​used by Volkswagen to bring Elis Regina back

It’s a publicity that makes a lot of talk. To celebrate its 70th anniversary in Brazil, German brand Volkswagen has used artificial intelligence to bring one of the country’s song icons back to life. Elis Regina, who died in 1982 at the age of 36, appeared in an advertisement with her daughter, also a singer, but very much alive. A controversial ad.

1 min

It’s an electric vehicle that goes down a long straight line. At the wheel, singer Maria Rita is singing one of her mother’s famous hits, when an old van comes up to her.

Through the window, Maria Rita sees her mother, Elis Regina, who died in 1982. Both sing along to the song: “ Success is passed down from generation to generation Says the slogan of Volkswagen, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary in Brazil.

To bring the girl and her late mother together in the same pub, the German manufacturer used artificial intelligence, 2,400 hours of production were needed to recreate, then animate, the face of the icon of Brazilian music.

If the family of Elis Regina has given its agreement, the clip has, however, not been to the taste of all Brazilians. Some have indeed recalled Elis Regina’s opposition to the military dictatorship, with which Volskswagen collaborated.

The publicity policeman announces the opening of an investigation after having received several complaints. One of its members wonders: can these methods be used to bring a deceased person back to life?

For the son of Elis Regina, the clip will have had at least one merit: to resuscitate the music of his mother.

Read alsoArtificial intelligence: angel or demon?
