The “AI info” era has begun within Instagram

It continues to be one of the most used social media networks in the world. Instagram Today is the “AI info” period for started.

A while ago, we saw a post on Instagram about the content produced by artificial intelligence:Made with AIThe phrase “” began to be added. The company, which did not develop this system well enough, also did not allow content that was not produced by artificial intelligence to be “Made with AI” well “Generated with Artificial Intelligence” He began to add the phrase. Meta, which had to make an update after this situation received a lot of backlash, now has a feature where it detects that artificial intelligence is used on Instagram and other applications, such as “AI info” will use the phrase. When this phrase is clicked, more information about the status of the content will be provided. There are many other innovations coming to Instagram. For example Alessandro Paluzzi According to the new claim made by the platform is considering blocking screenshots in direct messages. There is no final decision yet for this security feature. However, this feature, which is expected to become a reality soon as it is being thought about, will not protect messages 100 percent, of course, but it can still be useful in some cases.


Other innovations are on the way for Instagram. According to Paluzzi, people will soon be able to appoint three different people to manage their accounts. Thanks to this infrastructure, a total of four different people, including the account owner, will be able to manage an Instagram account at the same time. In the infrastructure that does not require password sharing, selected people will be able to make new shares or access messages. In order to facilitate the management of large accounts, there will also be some security measures in the nice-looking feature. For example, the people you invite will not be able to disable your account or change your name and password.
