The agreement with Sweden is a big win

The agreement with Sweden is a big win

In the Turkish media, the newly written agreement with Finland and Sweden is presented as a win for Turkey.

They write that Turkey in the negotiations got what they wanted and took big steps in the fight against terrorism.

Turkey, Sweden and Finland have signed an agreement in which Turkey approves the two neighboring countries’ NATO applications. In return, Finland and Sweden will, among other things, take concrete measures to extradite terrorist criminals.

The agreement is now being portrayed in the Turkish media as a major gain for Turkey and President Tayyip Erdoğan, reports Helsingin Sanomat.

The newspapers Hürriet Daily News and Sabah and the television channel CNN Türk describe the agreement as a great success for the country. They also write that “Turkey got what it wanted”. A wording used by Tayyip Erdoğan and his presidency this morning.

Turkish London-based journalist Ragib Soylu writes on Twitter that the agreement can be seen as a big win at home for the Turkish president.

“Works according to Swedish legislation”

In Sweden, one of the points in the agreement in particular has provoked reactions. The point applies to extradition of persons between countries. However, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson downplays the extradition threat.

– Some feel worried that we will start chasing people to extradite. Then I think it is important to say that we always work according to Swedish legislation and the conventions that exist, says Magdalena Andersson.
