the African Club Super League will start in August 2023

the African Club Super League will start in August 2023

The new interclub competitions of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) will see the light of day in August 2023, CAF President Patrice Motsepe said on July 3, 2022 in Rabat. The “Super League” (its name remains to be defined) will be played in parallel with the Champions League and should bring together 24 clubs.

From our special correspondent in Rabat,

African Super League », « African Football League ” or even ” Platinum League “… We do not yet know what the new interclub competition of the Confederation of African Football will be called (CAF is considering it). But this project mentioned for the first time in February 2020 in Salé by Gianni Infantinothe president of the International Football Federation (Fifa), made a strong comeback in Morocco two and a half years later.

Launched August 10, 2022 in Tanzania

We will be launching this competition on August 10 in Tanzania. Then we will spend the following weeks and months talking with investors and partnersannounced CAF President Patrice Motsepe on July 3, 2022 in Rabat. It will start in August 2023 “.

The boss of African football has promised an endowment of 100 million US dollars for the first edition with 11 to 12 million for the eventual winner.

$100 million endowment

A significant part of the money generated by the African Football League/African Super League will go to the clubs “, he assured, adding that each of the 54 member federations of CAF will receive 1 million dollars annually.

This competition has enormous potential to significantly grow African football and make it even more competitive. “, assured the billionaire.

With 24 clubs

On the other hand, the South African did not provide many details on his future format. ” There should be 24 clubs which will be chosen based on the Fifa Rankinghe blurted out. Then there will be all the geographical criteria, with a limit on the number of clubs you can have per country or per region. “.

Patrice Motsepe also promises that there ” will have a complete overhaul of club competition formats “including that of the Champions League. Because yes, the C1 will continue to be played in parallel.

The leader took the opportunity to inform that the next finals will be played again in the form of home / away matches. The last final, disputed between Ah Aly and Wydad, on the ground of Casablanca, obviously generated too much controversy for the taste of CAF…
