the advance of the army continues in Khartoum against the paramilitaries of the RSF

the advance of the army continues in Khartoum against the

For the first time since the start of the war in Sudan 17 months ago, the Sudanese army launched a major offensive this Thursday, September 26, aimed at regaining control of the capital. The paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (FSR) previously dominated most of the capital and have been based in the presidential palace since the start of the war. At the start of this operation, the army regained control of three key bridges leading to Khartoum. They are stationed at the entrances to the city and fight to reach the heart of Khartoum.

2 mins

Supported by intense airstrikes, drone fire and heavy and medium artillery fire, the Sudanese army continues its advance, for the second consecutive day, in Khartoum. Objective: drive the FSR from the capital and retake the presidential palace which they occupied from the first days of the war in April 2023.

The fierce fighting was concentrated today on several axes, such as the Halfaya bridge, the Faou district, the central market of Khartoum or the Mogren district to the west of the center.

Replica of the FSR on Omdurman

RSF positions in the area of ​​the El Jili oil refinery, in Halfaya, in Bahri as well as at the presidential palace were bombed. Armored vehicles coming from Omdurman positioned themselves in Bahri among other places. The RSF responded to the attack by striking army bases in Omdurman, where six people died, according to the Ministry of Health following these strikes.

They are not really targeting the military, but rather civilians to force them to leave safe places and their homes.explains Hassan Huzeifa, a French teacher who had to flee the Sudan. The objective is clear: to intimidate them. In fact, FSR militias are targeting safe areas on purpose. For example, the city of Omdurman, which until now was a safe place, is now surrounded. There is a military base in the north of Omdurman. And now the militias are bombing the areas around this base. »

In February 2024, the Sudanese army managed to recapture large parts of Omdurman, an adjacent city integrated into the capital. Civilians have since returned and life has returned to normal. Now, 6 million people live there.

This offensive comes as the head of the army, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, accused the RSF on Friday before the Security Council of hindering peace efforts. Denouncing a regional and international plot which aims to destroy Sudan and change power by force.

Also readWar in Sudan: AU, EU and United States call on support from both camps, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly
