the administrative court suspends the ban on a conference of Action française

the administrative court suspends the ban on a conference of

The administrative court of Paris suspended this Saturday, May 13, an order from the police headquarters prohibiting the holding of a symposium organized in the afternoon by the royalist movement Action française, classified on the far right. The decision was sent to Agence France-Presse.

The police headquarters told AFP: take note of this decision, in which the court does not explain its motivations. She had published this decree on Friday, after a circular from the Minister of the Interior aimed at prohibiting several ” far-right protests and rallies », Following the controversy linked to the demonstration in Paris on May 6 by ultra-right activists, most of them with their faces hidden and wearing Celtic crosses. ” Our colloquium will take place! First victory for this great weekend “, reacted the French Action on Twitter.

This symposium of the organization, entitled “France in danger”, is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. (12:30 p.m. UT) in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. The organization had seized the administrative justice of an interim release, an emergency procedure when the applicant considers to be in ppresence of a serious and manifestly illegal interference to a fundamental freedom from a state service.

Prohibition by the police headquarters

The police headquarters has banned a total of six rallies planned for this weekend in Paris on the basis of the instruction given to the prefects on Tuesday by Gérald Darmanin, including five at the call of movements classified on the far right, arguing a risk of public disorder. Among them is another event at the initiative of Action Française, a demonstration in homage to Joan of Arc convened on Sunday morning from Place de l’Opéra (9th arr.). The organization announced that it had also filed an interim order with the Paris administrative court against this ban.

A rally in front of the statue of Joan of Arc declared by the movement “Les nationalistes” of Yvan Benedetti, a figure of the extreme right, which was to take place at the same time as the demonstration of the Action française, has also banned, as well as a march by the military association “Place d’armes”.

A sixth demonstration, of yellow vests, which was to take the same route as that of the soldiers of “Place d’armes”, was also prohibited by the prefect of police.

(With AFP)

► To read also: Far-right demonstration in Paris: in the face of criticism, the police headquarters are justified
