the activist Pulchérie Gbalet was released

the activist Pulcherie Gbalet was released

The president of the NGO Alternative Citoyenne Ivoirienne was arrested on August 22, 2022 for “ agreement with the agents of a foreign power “, following his statements on the case of the 49 Ivorian soldiers detained in Mali.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Bineta Diagne

Pulchérie Gbalet left the Abidjan remand center around 7 p.m. She is in a safe place and has been able to see her family, her entourage indicates. After seven requests for provisional release were rejected by the courts, his lawyers appealed this decision. The investigating chamber responded to this request, ordering his release on Friday.

Free, Pulchérie Gbalet is not completely fixed on her judicial future. She still does not know the details of her release. She should find out more at the beginning of the week during a hearing with an examining magistrate.

From the release, at the beginning of January, of soldiers detained in Mali, several voices of the opposition were raised to demand the release of Pulchérie Gbalet. Like former President Henri Konan Bédié, who in his New Year’s greetings, ” called on the government to create the conditions for his release without delay “.
