The accident commission on site in Vassijaure – working over Christmas

On Wednesday, LKAB got the go-ahead to start demolishing the so-called snow gallery, the metal superstructure that is supposed to protect the track from drifting snow.

Big values ​​at stake

It is needed both for the investigations that the Accident Commission carries out and the clearing work of damaged wagons that LKAB has to deal with.

There are too many financial values ​​at stake to wait until the Christmas holidays.

– We see no real alternative to that, says Jonas Bäckstrand, chairman of the investigation.

Much work

He himself remains in Stockholm but is part of the force that will go up to Vassijaure eventually to relieve personnel who are on site now. The accident commission probably needs a week or so to finish its work.

– We want to end it as soon as we can, says Jonas Bäckstrand.

LKAB’s logistics manager Linda Bjurholt was at the scene of the accident on Wednesday.

In the clip, she gives an update on how the work is progressing.
