The accessory to take to the beach to stop having sand everywhere: it will change your life!

The accessory to take to the beach to stop having

Everyone has one at home: this fabric to take with you to the seaside will put an end to grains of sand on your towel. You just had to think of it!

When we go to the beach and set up our things, everyone has their own little technique. We shake our towel well, we stretch it as much as possible by positioning our flip-flops and our bag so that a gust of wind does not move it. Because the slightest grain of sand can sometimes ruin everything. Especially when we come out of the sea, we have just taken a shower and we want to dry ourselves or lie down on a soft, clean towel, which ends up being full of grains of sand. And then of course, there are also the children running around everywhere, including ours, or the people who actually put their foot on our towel to avoid making a little detour between the parasols.

So, to avoid the slightest grain of sand on your towel, here is a little tip that will change your life and that of your children who will be able to take a nap in the shade without being disturbed. All you need to do is take with you a fabric that you definitely have at home and that does not weigh much. Yes, before going to the sea with your family, put a fitted sheet in your beach bag! But you still have to position it correctly.

Once there, spread out your sheet with a large gesture and place your shoes and bags in the corners, covering them with the sheet. This will create borders on all the corners, including the sides, forming a small rectangular bed. Baby (and you) will be protected from the wind that could carry grains of sand. Finally, don’t forget to place your child in the shade, using a parasol or an anti-UV tent and protect him with a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Peace of mind and no more sand on the towel!
