The 9 most insidious symptoms of lung cancer: How to understand the stages of lung cancer?

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Lung cancer usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages and is usually diagnosed in the advanced stages. Therefore, early diagnosis and conscious awareness play a critical role in the fight against lung cancer. Regular health checks for individuals exposed to tobacco products and not ignoring possible symptoms can limit the spread of this disease. In order to prevent lung cancer, it is necessary to reduce tobacco use in society and increase protective measures in smoking environments. People should be encouraged to become aware of tobacco products and stay away from these habits through public awareness and education campaigns.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that occurs as a result of the uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs. This condition occurs as a result of abnormal changes or mutations in the DNA of cells normally found in the lungs. Uncontrolled growth and division can lead to tumor formation in the lung and the spread of these tumors to other body parts or organs over time.

Various risk factors such as smoking, second-hand smoke, air pollution, radiation exposure, and genetic factors can contribute to the development of lung cancer. Lung cancer is divided into various subtypes, and once diagnosed, treatment methods are determined depending on the type of tumor, its stage, and the general health of the patient. There may be more than one symptom of lung cancer, but we can list the 9 most insidious symptoms of lung cancer as follows:

  • A long-lasting or worsening cough may occur, especially with bloody sputum.
  • Feeling abnormally strained or having difficulty breathing during normal activities.
  • Constant or severe feeling of pain in the chest area.
  • Sudden loss of appetite, weight loss and emaciation.
  • Changes in voice tone or persistent hoarseness.
  • Sudden and constant weakness, feeling of fatigue.
  • Frequently recurring respiratory infections or pneumonia.
  • Bone pain if cancer has metastasized to the bones.
  • If cancer metastasizes to the brain or nerves, symptoms such as headache, balance disorder or weakness in the body may occur.

Lung cancer symptoms may vary depending on the type of cancer, its spread, and the patient’s general health condition. Symptoms usually appear in the advanced stages of cancer. Therefore, it is important to consult a healthcare professional when such suspicious symptoms are noticed.

How to understand the stages of lung cancer?

The stages of lung cancer generally indicate how far the cancer has progressed and how far it has spread throughout the body. Stages are important for diagnosing cancer and determining treatment options. Lung cancer stages are generally as follows:

  • Stage 0 (Incipient cancer): In this stage, cancer cells are found only within a few cell layers or a small area and have not spread to surrounding tissues.
  • Stage I (Local): Cancer is found in tissue in the lung or bronchi and has not spread to a larger area. It has not metastasized to nearby lymph nodes or other organs.
  • Stage II (Local Advanced): Cancer may have grown in the lung and spread to nearby lymph nodes. However, it still has not metastasized to other organs.
  • Stage III (Regional): Cancer may have grown in the lung and spread to nearby tissues or organs. It may also have metastasized to the lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV (Distant): This stage indicates that the cancer has spread to other parts or organs of the body. It usually metastasizes to distant organs (brain, liver, bones).

The process of lung cancer stages is usually done with imaging tests (e.g., computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging), biopsy results, and other tests. These stages play an important role in determining the extent of cancer spread and treatment options.

Where does lung cancer cause pain?

Lung cancer usually begins in the lungs and can spread to surrounding tissues and organs as it grows. This is why lung cancer can cause pain in certain areas. As cancer grows in tissues in or near the lungs, it can cause severe or persistent pain in the chest area. This pain may be felt in the inner part of the chest or at the back of the spine.

As lung cancer progresses, it may cause pain in the back or shoulders. This type of pain may occur especially when cancer spreads to the spine or ribs. Lung cancer can cause pain in the shoulder or arm, especially if the cancer has spread to the nerves or lymph nodes. When cancer spreads to the chest wall or ribs, pain may be felt with breathing or movement.

Is lung cancer genetic?

Lung cancer is a disease that usually occurs as a result of the interaction of a number of factors. There is no genetic cause alone for the development of cancer. But genetic factors may also play a role. The risk of cancer may increase especially in individuals with a family history of lung cancer. Some genetic changes or family history may increase a person’s susceptibility to cancer, but this alone does not cause cancer to develop.
