The 9 Best Natural Anti-Inflammatories

The 9 Best Natural Anti Inflammatories

You can relieve your pain with a natural anti-inflammatory instead of medication. Here is the list of the best herbs with anti-inflammatory properties and how to use them safely.

Whether natural or chemical, an anti-inflammatory is a substance intended to fight inflammation. Chemical anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into corticosteroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). “Besides their significant side effects (headaches, dizziness, nausea, allergies, etc.), their main limitation is that they act symptomatically and not curatively: in other words, they act on the symptom and not on the cause. They do not heal, on the contrary natural anti-inflammatories, very numerous and diversified, explains Philippe Chavanne, author of the book Les anti-inflammatories naturelle by Editions Alpen. here are the 9 best anti-inflammatories to treat yourself naturally.

1. Lavender, ideal for ear infections

Used in the form of essential oil, officinal lavender has many properties. “She is antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, healing for the skin.and of course anti-inflammatory! It is also ideal in case of ENT disorders, whose inflammation is caused by otitis.“, explains Philippe Chavanne.

► For children over 6 years old: Dilute 1 drop of lavender essential oil in 4 drops of vegetable oil and apply all around the ear, 3 to 4 times a day for 5 days. If symptoms persist or intensify, seek medical attention.

2. Wintergreen, to relieve tendonitis

Wintergreen inhibits pro-inflammatory enzymes through methyl salicylate it contains. Also called wintergreen, “it is an antispasmodic plant which acts on the muscle and joint pain, including tendonitis“, says Philippe Chavanne. It is also a powerful analgesic that calms cramps.

► To be used in essential oil: Dilute 1 drop of wintergreen essential oil in 4 drops of vegetable oil and gently massage the painful area, 4 times a day, until symptoms improve (for adults and children over 6 years old).

3. Basil, a digestive anti-inflammatory

“Basil has leaves and flowering tops whose substances block or slow down the activity of inflammatory mediators“, explains Philippe Chavanne. The essential oil of basil is particularly indicated in case of gastritis.

► Cutaneous route: 1 drop of basil essential oil in 4 drops of vegetable oil. Massage the belly after each meal.

► Oral route: 1 drop of pure basil essential oil under the tongue after each meal.

► Avoid: if taking anticoagulants, in children under 6 years of age and pregnant women under 3 months.

4. White willow bark: a vegetable aspirin

Sometimes called “silver willow”, the white willow is considered a “vegetable aspirin”. “It is one of the plants with the most powerful anti-inflammatory effects”, emphasizes our interlocutor. Its bark relieves articular rheumatism and lowers the fever that accompanies many infections and inflammations.

► In infusion: 2 to 3 g of white willow bark in a cup of very hot water, to drink before each meal.

► Avoid : during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in children, in case of stomach or duodenal ulcer, allergy to NSAIDs, risk of bleeding, asthma, gout, kidney disease.

5. Blackcurrant, an ally against osteoarthritis

Blackcurrant leaves contain antioxidants called “flavonoids”. They are powerful natural anti-inflammatories. “Blackcurrant is a superfood that is able to relieve rheumatism, such as arthritis and osteoarthritis“, indicates Philippe Chavanne. This fruit is particularly indicated in basic treatment, sometimes in association with horsetail (Equisetum arvense) and ash (Fraxinus). Blackcurrant berries also have the advantage of being low in calories (blackcurrant contains 53 calories per 100g of fruit) and rich in vitamins C and E.

► To drink in juice or decoction (leaves and berries): 1 small glass two to three times a day.

► In the event of an osteoarthritis crisis : harpagophytum, willow and meadowsweet are particularly suitable. Do not hesitate to seek advice from a pharmacist before you start.

6. Scots pine, a respiratory anti-inflammatory

Antiseptic and decongestant, Scots pine acts on the respiratory tractIn the form of essential oil, this plant is an anti-inflammatory to use during sinusitis, allergic rhinitis or bronchitis“ underlines Philippe Chavanne.

► On the skin: Dilute 1 drop of essential oil in 5 drops of vegetable oil, apply locally in massage or friction on the chest and the upper part of the back to free the congested passages.

► Inhaled : pour a few drops of Scots pine into a bowl of boiling water and breathe.

► And also : Scots pine can relieve the pain of osteoarthritis, lumbago and sciatica.

7. Chamomile, eye drops against conjunctivitis

Chamomile soothes skin problems like minor skin irritations, psoriasis, or eczema. “As an ointment, it relieves itching and allergy-prone skin, and treats skin inflammation (neuritis…), specifies our interlocutor. We prefer it in the form of eye drops – more soothing and carminative – to treat eye inflammation such as conjunctivitis.” It also relieves inflammation of the eyelids.

► To use: as eye drops or eye bath (infused chamomile).

► Avoid: powder, decoction or infusion when taking blood thinners. In fresh plant when one is prone to dermatitis.

8. Sage to calm gingivitis

Sage is a plant astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory thanks to the tannins, rosmarinic acid and essential oils of terpenes it contains. “Infused in hot water, its leaves are very interesting to soothe gingivitis, pharyngitis or canker sores.“, explains Philippe Chavanne.

► In infusion (leaves), to drink 3 times a day to calm the inflammation of the gums. Added to juice boiled lemon diluted in water, it is used as a gargle twice a day.

► Avoid: in case of epilepsy, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in children and in case of hormone-dependent cancers.

9. Birch water for cystitis

Birch water (or sap) is perfect against mild inflammatory states of the urinary tract“, says the expert, Thanks to its depurative, draining properties and its richness in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin C, it promotes the elimination of toxins and bacteria and is therefore particularly indicated in cases of cystitis. However, if the urinary tract infection persists or becomes chronic, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe antibiotic treatment.
► How to use it? Dilute 1 tablespoon of birch sap in a cup of hot water, 3 times a day before each meal until symptoms disappear.

Thanks to Philippe Chavanne, author of the book Les anti-inflammatories naturelle by Editions Alpen.
