the 89 deputies of the National Rally make their entry into the Assembly

the 89 deputies of the National Rally make their entry

The 89 deputies of the National Rally made their entry into the Assembly this Wednesday morning, June 22. Never have they been so numerous to take their place in the hemicycle. Family photo and first steps in the hemicycle. Marine Le Pen obviously savored the moment and promised a “constructive” opposition.

With our special envoy to the National Assembly, Julien Chavanne

It’s amazing to see you all here… I invite you to come inside. It is she who guides the 88 deputies who will accompany her to the Assembly for the next five years. Many new faces, a little anxious, like Lisette Pollet. This former maintenance worker was elected in the Drôme: “ Stressed ! I feel the weight of the load on my shoulders… »

Going from 7 to 89 elected officials, it is a colossal human resources work that begins for the RN. The party executives prospected at all costs, hundreds of parliamentary collaborators had to be found. Jean-Philippe Tanguy, the former deputy director of Marine Le Pen’s presidential campaign, is not worried: ” Sincerely, there is no particular difficulty, we will take the time, and then you know we learn on the job like the others, the deputies of the National Rally will do what all those who preceded them have done in august Assembly. »

To listen also: Laurent Jacobell (RN): “If the president wants to keep full powers, it will not work”

It is also necessary to train the new RN deputies, a seminar is organized tomorrow. Marine Le Pen will unsurprisingly be elected president of the group: “ We are going to do a very important job, with great competence, with seriousness, that is to say differently than what you are used to saying about us. »

A “constructive” Marine Le Pen, determined to use all her new powers in the National Assembly.
