The 81-year-old Republican leader Mitch McConnell froze again in the middle of the press conference

The 81 year old Republican leader Mitch McConnell froze again in the

This is the second time that McConnell was unable to react to the events around him.

Leading the US Senate Republican Caucus Mitch McConnell has caused astonishment for the second time this summer by completely freezing while answering journalists’ questions.

The 81-year-old McConnell couldn’t answer for more than half a minute when asked today at an event in Covington, Kentucky, if he plans to seek an extension. He was escorted away from the reporters soon after.

A spokesman later said McConnell was briefly passed out.

News about the latest freeze, among other things NBC News.

First time in July

Also in July, McConnell “froze” and was unable to react to the events around him. His assistants escorted McConnell, who seemed confused even then, to protect them from the eyes.

McConnell suffered a concussion earlier this year after falling in March with dinner parties. According to CNN, McConnell has fallen twice before: The first time was in Helsinki when he visited Finland in February. The second time was in July when he got off the plane.

McConnell’s health is causing growing concern and raising questions about whether he is capable of carrying out his duties.

Source: Reuters
