The 8 warning signs of a liver problem

The 8 warning signs of a liver problem

Fatigue, yellow eyes, sudden weight loss, heaviness in the stomach… Is your liver sick? Engorged? Tour of the 8 warning symptoms of a liver problem with our hepatologist.

Few of us really know where this organ is located, yet the liver provides many essential functions such as the processing of waste products contained in the blood, the secretion of bile and the storage of vitamins and minerals. That’s why it’s important to take care of it! Especially since his illnesses are often overlooked and diagnosed late. How do you know if the liver is diseased? Engorged? Unexplained fatigue, yellow eyes, blood in the stool… Overview of 8 Warning Symptoms of a Liver Problem with Pr Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist.

1. A feeling of heaviness in the stomach

The liver is a silent organ that usually does not hurt. On the other hand, it can grow in case of liver problem and be heavy. A feeling of heaviness that persists for no reason is not necessarily linked to the liver but can be a sign of a liver problem, particularly indicative of excessive alcohol consumption orsteatosis“, explains the hepatologist. Consult a doctor who can determine if it is intestinal problemsdigestive or hepatic thanks to a clinical examination and blood tests.

2. Fatigue despite rest

Intense fatigue that persists during the holidays or despite rest may be a sign of a more or less severe liver pathology, such as an overly engorged liver, hepatic steatosis or even hepatitis, explains Professor Patrick Marcellin. This is not muscle fatigue, but rather a asthenia which is manifested by a loss of interest, a lack of energy, a drop in morale or even depression.” Speak to your doctor. He or she may prescribe a hepatic assessment with a dosage of transaminases and gamma-GT. Good to know : severe fatigue can have many other causes such as anemia, viral disease or deficiencies.

3. Black stools

Have sblack ang in stool (melena or tarry stools) or vomit blood (red or black) are often signs of liver disease. “A damaged liver can become fibrous and hard. In this case, the blood that comes from the intestine through the “portal vein” to the liver is blocked. It is forced to bypass the liver and can therefore no longer purify it. This blood can cause veins in the esophagus to swell and cause esophageal varices. These varicose veins can burst and cause bleeding.” Black vomiting or “tarry” stools represent a medical emergency. You should consult a doctor who can prescribe a liver test and a prothrombin level assay to assess the patient’s blood clotting.

4. Yellow eyes

jaundicecharacterized by the whites of the eyes turning yellow and yellowish skin, can reveal the onset of cirrhosis. “Consequences: the liver shrinks and no longer functions normally, this is called liver failure. And when it operates at less than 50% capacity, it is no longer able to eliminate all the bilirubin (yellow pigment found in bile) which ends up accumulating in the blood, hence this coloring of the eyes and skin“, explains the hepatologist. If you have the white of the eye ecru or yellow, or a slightly yellowish complexion, it is urgent to make bilirubin blood test. Elevated bilirubin may reflect liver dysfunction.

5. Pain under the ribs

Significant pain in the the epigastrium (upper part of the belly) may reveal a hepatic colic, also known as cholelithiasis. “In case of liver problem, a gallstone can block the common bile duct (which connects the intestine to the liver and pours bile into the digestive tract after each meal) or gallbladder and cause sharp pain under the ribs above the umbilicus. This is misleading because this pain is not necessarily located in the liver (in the right flank) and does not necessarily last very long“, warns the specialist. In the event of violent and frequent pain, there is an emergency to do an ultrasound of the liver which may show the possible presence of stones in the gallbladder.

6. Itchy skin

Itching on the skin can indicate liver disease. Usually it is a diffuse and generalized pruritusi.e. without precise localization“, reports our interlocutor. The person has neither pimples on the skin, nor lesions. “Faced with this symptom, we often think of an allergy or hives, but we realize that it is linked to liver dysfunction: the liver can no longer process bile, which leads to an overflow of bile acid in the blood, small inflammations of the blood vessels and therefore itchy skin“, he specifies.

7. Sudden weight loss

Rapid, unexplained weight loss and sudden loss of appetite may indicate liver damage. “Generally, these symptoms are visible at stage of cirrhosisnot before, explains the hepatologist. And this cirrhosis, if not treated quickly, can lead to liver cancer.“Rapid and significant weight loss and a sudden loss of appetite require a medical opinion and additional examinations (hepatic test, etc.).
• Attention, these symptoms are not typical of a liver problem and may be signs of many other conditions.

8. Frequent blackouts

When the liver is clogged, it no longer eliminates toxins from the intestine. They can ascend to the brain and lead to hepatic encephalopathy, characterized by impaired intellectual functions. “This can manifest in varying degrees. The person can be confused, not knowing the date, having memory lapses, lack of concentration or being a little delusional“, details Professor Marcellin. In the most serious cases, this can go as far as hepatic coma. Lack of concentration, mental confusion or memory loss especially in young people (less than 60-70 years old) must push for medical consultation. Note that encephalopathy is not exclusively linked to liver disease and can be associated with other causes (brain problems, virus, onset of dementia, etc.).

Thanks to Pr Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist.
