The 8 phrases not to say to someone who is trying to quit smoking

The 8 phrases not to say to someone who is

Has one of your relatives decided to quit smoking? Pay attention to the sentences you say. Some can make your motivation drop completely!

It’s never too late to quit smoking, all doctors say. If one of your loved ones has found the motivation to do so, that’s very good news! It’s up to you not to pronounce the wrong words or arguments at the risk of discouraging him on the spot!

  1. Aren’t you afraid of getting fat? This is one of the first fears of smokers! But no, not all people who quit smoking have gained weight. It is recommended in general but also when you stop smoking to (re)start sports and have a balanced diet. So avoid sticking the knife in the wound and encourage the future ex-smoker!
  2. You’re unpleasant, we see that you’ve quit smoking! What could be more annoying than hearing this sentence? Yes, quitting smoking tends to get on your nerves since the addiction is very strong, but that’s not a reason to put it on again!
  3. You should quit smoking! In general, all smokers know that they had better quit smoking, that cigarettes are dangerous for their health… They don’t need to be reminded!
  4. I know it’s very hard but… If you are not a former smoker, you cannot imagine how difficult it is to counter this addiction, even more so in the long term. So even if you have the impression of encouraging the person by telling him that, abstain!
  5. You didn’t have to start! Frankly, do you think this sentence will fix the situation? No, that’s for sure. It can also make you lose a very good friend or put a lot of tension with your spouse…
  6. You are AGAIN trying to quit smoking! It would be known if quitting smoking was as simple as that. You don’t quit smoking like that overnight without a few painstaking attempts. By the way, aren’t you on a diet YET?
  7. It’s just a matter of will… In the case of cigarettes, the will is not always enough. On the other hand, feeling supported by loved ones can have a real effect on the smoker’s motivation to quit.
  8. If you really loved me, you would stop… What’s love got to do with it? Needless to say that this is not the best way to try to motivate the smoker to stop smoking! Instead, support him in his approach by, for example, listening to his fears and helping him find solutions.
