The 7 strongest champions in Patch 13.11

Patch 13.11 of League of Legends has arrived and with a few tweaks, the power of various champions has also changed. This list shows you 7 of the strongest champions in patch 13.11.

We evaluate the strength of the champions in the form of several statistics, their pick rate and their associated win rate. Just because a champion has a high winrate on a particular build but very few people play it doesn’t automatically make them strong.

For the stats and numbers, we compared the sites Mobalytics, U.GG, and OP.GG, looking at all ranks. (Status: June 2nd, 2023) The sources can be found at the bottom of the article.

Kha’Zix – A snow-balling assassin

role: Jungle

why is he so good : Youmuu’s Ghostblade nerfs in patch 13.11 don’t seem to bother Kah’Zix, and he remains just as good as before.

As an assassin, he is particularly good at eliminating the currently very strong ADCs, he has a decent jungle clear, and his passive ability means he can fight in the enemy jungle even in the early stages of the game.

His ability strengthens him when fighting single opponents. Surprising people in the jungle or while warden is his strongest moment. If you’ve accumulated a few kills in the early game, you can build on them and help the other lanes to win.

Malphite – A tank for all occasions

role: top plane

why is he so good Malphite has long been a giant on the top plane and will remain so in patch 13.11. His W and passive make him incredibly tanky in lane himself, especially against AD opponents.

Malphite is a natural counter against strong ADCs. His W gives him a lot of armor, and his item build also makes him strong against AD champions. Additionally, Armor also boosts the damage of his W and E abilities.

However, its heyday mainly begins outside of the laning phase in teamfights. His ultimate throws up enemies in an area for 1.5 seconds. Also, his ultimate does solid damage and is hard to predict. Such a skill fits into any team and makes for a strong opening of a fight.

In any case, you should always try to surprise the opponent’s carry with the ultimate to take them out of the fight.

Annie – Simple but effective

role: mid lane

why is she so good Annie is a classic mid laner, winning big with her simple playstyle.

With the Force of Nature nerfs in patch 13.10, more and more AP champions are becoming more important. Annie’s skills are designed to be simple, making her easy to learn. She deals good damage, and her passive ability allows almost any of her spells to stun enemies.

If she hits a group of opponents with her W or even her Ultimate and has her passive active, she can stun an entire team and is therefore a huge danger in teamfights.

She is particularly strong against midlaners with less range and will hardly have any problems in the lane phase.

Jhin – pure damage on the botlane

Role: ADC

Why is he so good: Jhin automatically uses pure damage through his passive ability. The buffs and changes to crit and other ADC items do him good, and he’s a big threat on the botlane.

Jhin deals an incredible amount of damage with his passive, and with the rune Fleet Footwork he not only has a heal, but also briefly buffed movement speed, which allows him to poke the opponent well in lane.

In teamfights, he can use his ultimate to kill low-life opponents at long range. He also has good synergy with many of the currently very strong Enchanter supports.

However, you should be careful with Jhin against aggressive ADCs like Draven.

We created a guide for Jhin for you in patch 13.10, which you can also use in the current patch.

Milio – The new supporter is really good

Role: support

why so good: Milio is the newest champion in League of Legends and a direct support that plays at the very top.

His abilities work with pretty much any ADC and he brings a lot of useful tools with his abilities.

He can heal, has CC, gives attack range and boosts attacks. All buffs that work with any ADC. His ultimate, which CC can remove, is the icing on the cake and can turn any teamfight in his team’s favor.

Milio’s job is to reinforce and support the carry, and he’s been doing that job brilliantly since his release.

The Ardent Censer nerf doesn’t seem to bother him and he continues to perform at a high level.

Blitzcrank – The counter against Enchanter

role: supporters

Why is he so good: Blitzcrank is sort of the anti-enchanter, and a good blitzcrank is always a danger during the lane phase. Its Q, which can pull an opponent towards itself, is its most dangerous ability.

If a Blitzcrank player can hit his Q well, the lane phase is often won. Blitzcrank is a good choice, especially in a meta with Enchanter supports and little mobile ADCs like Kog’Maw or Jinx.

His abilities have good base damage, and the combination of his Q and E allows for a guaranteed kill in many situations.

Blitzcrank is also there in teamfights to prioritize which opponent to grab with his Q. ADCs and other carries are his main target. Tanks should not be used, especially later in the game.

Ahri – Midlane Assassin

role: mid lane

why is he so good Like Annie, Ahri benefits from the Force of Nature nerf and the current focus on ADCs as carries.

Once she hits level 6, she can roam onto the botlane to pick up kills. She has a pretty strong CC spell with her E and her ultimate makes her mobile.

Her main item Everfrost gives her an additional CC opportunity and with the new teleport changes, she can show presence across all lanes from minute 10.

As Ahri, however, you should be careful against champions with easy and hard CC. Annie poses a great threat to Ahri, and her fights should focus on low-health targets.

If you are missing a specific champion or secret tip, write it in the comments!

In the League of Legends professional scene, players are threatening strikes and want to put pressure on Riot.
