The anime One Piece not only has countless episodes, but also countless fights. MeinMMO shows you 7 of the most legendary fights from One Piece in this list.
How was it selected? The fights are mainly based on the anime. To ensure a certain level of diversity, we try to list as many characters and their iconic fights as possible.
However, this list only covers the fights before the timeskip.
If your favorite fights are not on this list, please write them in the comments. This list is not a ranking of the individual fights, but a chronological list of the series. You can find a list of the best fights from Naruto here: The 7 most legendary fights in Naruto
Danger: Of course, there will be spoilers in this article. If you haven’t reached the time skip yet, you should check out this list later:
You can find the best ships from One Piece here:
One Piece: These are the 5 coolest ships sailing the oceans
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1. Zorro vs. Mr. 1
After the bitter defeat against Mihawk, Zoro didn’t have much to do at first. One of his most legendary fights remains the fight against Mr.1 aka Daz Bones. Daz Bones is Crocodile’s right-hand man, fittingly for Zoro, Luffy’s right-hand man.
The beauty of the fight is that Zorro has to rise above himself for the first time and learn to cut steel. This is only the first step for Zorro, because his goal is to be able to cut diamonds. Typically for Zorro, he is once again incredibly badly injured. There is also a reference to this legendary fight in the current anime: One Piece: The current arc has one of the best fights of all time – but only in the anime