The 7 dumbest moments in the Game of Thrones finale – from plastic bottles to dragon Hitler

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Even though we’re having one with House of the Dragon grandiose restart in Westeros experience: Many fans still haven’t digested the controversial end of Game of Thrones. Over 8 seasons we suffered, laughed and cheered with Dany, Jon, Tyrion or Brienne.

In the end, showrunners David Benioff and DB Weiss still managed to screw up the most epic series narrative of our time. And these 7 moments from the finale prove it.

Attention, follow spoiler for the end of Game of Thrones!

1. Daenerys’ final transformation into Dragon Hitler

Game of Thrones – Daenerys Targaryen Trailer (English) HD

How suddenly Daenerys Targaryen, for years one of, if not THE, declared heroine of Game of Thrones, becomes a vengeful mass murderer, irritated many. However, the fact that her government address in the final looks like something out of a handbook for Nazis and other fascist dictatorships is the last straw. Actress Emilia Clarke had even prepared for this moment with Hitler speeches!

No one has done more to unite diverse races and liberate the oppressed throughout the series than Daenerys. She wasn’t always the fairest or most considered, but of all the main characters she was the most cosmopolitan with a genuine interest in social justice regardless of class or origin. The opposite of Hitler so. And one of the best examples of how Season 8 of Game of Thrones is breaking its characters.

2. The Immortal Dothraki and Unsullied

Speaking of the very Hitleresque government speech: Here we can see quite clearly what Daenerys’ troops did after the battles of Winterfell and King’s Landing is left. And that’s a surprising number.

Finally, in one of the most evocative moments of all of Season 8, we see the Dothraki charge towards the White Walkers in front of Winterfell on their horses – and in the dark literally wiped out will. However, after Dany’s takeover of King’s Landing, hundreds still appear to be in good health. The same applies to the Unsullied, who also couldn’t do much to counter the White Walkers and are still surprisingly numerous. Where have they been hiding all this time?

3. The forgotten plastic bottle

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An element emerges in the controversial Game of Thrones season finale that is even more irritating than seemingly revived combat troops. And that has absolutely nothing to do with legendary warriors or ice zombies.

A few episodes earlier, the film crew had overlooked a Starbucks mug in the middle of Winterfell. In the eighth and last episode it now has one Water Bottle in the Dragon Pit at King’s Landing made. Yes, really. Is this another oversight, or just an inside joke that no one but the crew understands?

5. Bran’s coronation as King of Westeros

Across eight seasons, one question seemed to stand out above all others: Who will rule Westeros at the end? The answer that the Game of Thrones finale gave us left most fans stunned: Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead-Wright). Yes, the Bran who does nothing for much of the series except stare chillingly into the distance. Not even when he becomes the Three Eyed Raven and gains superhuman abilities.

As a reminder, this is the trailer for the Game of Thrones series finale:

Game of Thrones – S08 E06 Trailer (English) HD

The reason? Nobody has a more interesting, traumatic, empowering story than Bran the Broken, claims Tyrion Lannister. But he should know better: Almost every single (main) character in Game of Thrones has a better story than Bran!

There would certainly have been a way to make this coronation understandable. Perhaps Bran, who has the ability to see into the past, present and future, planned everything well in advance and characters whole deliberately manipulated and played off against each other? Couldn’t you have at least hinted at that from time to time? Well, those responsible for the series decided differently. And rightly felt the anger of the audience.

4. Tyrion’s speech

Speaking of Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage): Why is someone who is allowed to see the status of the negotiations in the dragon pit is a prisoner, make dramatic (and factually questionable!) proposals for the next ruler of the Seven Kingdoms? Why is anyone still listening to this?

6. Sansa’s rise to Queen in the North


Sansa Stark

Do you know who actually worked hard to become the sole ruler of Westeros? Bran’s sister Sansa (Sophie Turner). She has – to measure it by Tyrion’s king criteria – not only a lot more trauma behind her, but also proved several times that she has strategic skills AND can gather people around her.

As Sansa in conversation with the rest of the noble families demands the independence of the North and crowns herself as queen, that is her right. It’s just strange that none of those present have anything against it. After all, everyone wants power. The fact that after Sansa’s advance no other of the seven kingdoms demand their independence or at least reject that of the north is not only surprising – it is total nonsense.

7. Drogon’s Grief Management

It’s actually a very emotional moment as Drogon stares at his dragon mother who has just been assassinated by Jon Snow, seems to genuinely mourn and which Iron Throne melts with his fire. After all, it was the delusional desire for the throne that cost Daenerys her life. So what makes the moment dumb isn’t necessarily the scene itself. It’s everything around it.

Because how the release of the final script disclosed, the dragon did not have much knowledge. Drogon was angry, let his frustration run free and the throne just stood in the way. Then why didn’t the dragon explicitly attack Jon Snow in his rage? Well, someone’s got to star in the next Game of Thrones sequel, after all.

More Westeros in the podcast: what remains of Game of Thrones?

It’s over 10 years of Game of Thrones over 10 years of enormous hype and enormous disappointment. How much nostalgia is left for the big moments? Can’t you also see a lot of good things in the final? And how stupid was Jamie (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) to leave Brienne?

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We exercise the legacy of the greatest series of the 2010s and yet, and see what’s left of the pop culture phenomenon in our minds and hearts.

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