The world of dungeons & dragons is full of adventure, challenges and also rather unpleasant encounters. Some of them are extremely powerful, others a little absurd – but some are really creepy. We have selected 7 monsters for you who can really scare players.
How was the selection made? This list includes Monster, which are particularly creepy and grotesque, whether through their appearance, their skills, or both together. In addition to other very well -known monsters such as the viewer or thoughts, the monsters of this list are not selected by their strength or their level of awareness – but are to ensure absolute horror due to their ability.
The image rights of the images used are at Wizards of the Coast.
Here you can see the trailer for dungeons & dragons: honor under thieves:
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor under Dieben – second official trailer for the film
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Chattering hundred
Plapping hundred mouths are viscous masses from the remains of their victims, which are equipped with several eyes, mouths and teeth. They scream incessantly and only make absolute nonsense. In addition, every mouth comes from another victim. So there are several voices at the same time that do not give peace.
A hundred mouth is only quiet when it devours another victim. His only goal is to search for and eat every creature that comes too close to him.