The 7 best agents for beginners

Valorant has 24 agents, but not all of them are worth it for beginners. We’ve looked at all of the agents and picked out 7 that you can’t go wrong with at the beginning. We’ll also show you their pros and cons and explain their playing styles and skills.

What do we value in this ranking? Our ranking is primarily about ease of use and effectiveness in combat without much prior knowledge.

Many of the agents on our list can fight their way through without the help of the team and can effectively secure victories. In addition, good aim is not an important factor in our selection.

We researched the community, compared agents and refined the final result with our years of expertise in various shooters. We have an agent in the list for each role (Sentinel, Controller, Initiator, Duelist). This gives you the opportunity to choose according to your play style.

With our directory you can quickly get to the individual agents and explanations why they are worthwhile:

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7. Fade

roleinitiatorSkill 1 – GrabPlace a node within your range that can grapple enemies when they are hit by the explosion. Grappled enemies are numb and decayed.Ability 2 – Night ElfThrow a Night Elf into an area. It reveals enemies in its line of sight and creates fear trails to them. Can be destroyed by enemies.Ability 3 – NightshadeThe Night Fury chases the first enemy it sees and limits its vision. It can also focus on fear trails.Ultimate – NightfallEnemies are hit with a wave of nightmare. Enemies affected by it are marked by fear tracks and suffer numbness and decay.

Skills of Fade

Why is Fade so good for beginners? Fade can use her abilities to manipulate enemies and control the battlefield. The Night Elf gives your team the control to scout different areas without getting caught in the crossfire.

The Night Fury weakens your enemies and blinds them. If you also use a fear trail, you don’t have to aim the Night Fury, but can send it on a journey to an enemy.

In critical situations, you should use Grab, because with this skill you can temporarily bind enemies and make them vulnerable to team fire. The ultimate is worth using during a push, for example if you want to defuse the spike. Fade is good for beginners, but she also needs teammates to support her.

6. Say

roleGuardianAbility 1 – Healing SphereHeal allies or yourself with a healing orb. The healing effect lasts over time.Ability 2 – Slowing SphereUse a ball to leave a puddle that can slow players.Ability 3 – Barrier SphereUse a ball to create a barrier that can block players and intercept balls.Ultimate – ResurrectionChannel your power to revive allies for a short time.

Why is Sage so good for beginners? Sage is a simple support for the team. She can heal allies and herself and manipulate players by leaving behind slowing “puddles”. Together with her barrier, she can control areas of the map and thus prevent or delay a push from the enemy team. If you are just starting out and your aim is not good yet, you can also use Sage to revive players who can prevent your impending defeat.

5. Killjoy

roleGuardianSkill 1 – TurretDeploys a gun turret that can fire at enemies in a 100-degree cone.Ability 2 – AlarmbotThe Alarmbot chases enemies and then explodes near them. Enemies hit by the explosion suffer Vulnerable.Ability 3 – Nano SwarmThrow a cloaked grenade. When activated, a swarm of nanorobots is released that damages enemies in the area.Ultimate-LockdownCreates a huge area where no player can activate abilities or fire weapons after a long loading phase.

Why is Killjoy so good for beginners? Killjoy is the best choice for all beginners who want to play more passively. With her guns she can effectively gain ground and even hold it on her own for a long time.

Nano Swarm and her ultimate also ensure that she can maintain her control when enemies push aggressively or try to defuse the spike. Even if you have no idea how Valorant works at the moment, it is enough to set up your guns to support your teammates.

4. Reyna

roleDuelistSkill 1 – StareCast an eye in a direction that limits the vision of enemies who look into it.Skill 2 – ConsumeIf Reyna kills enemies or if they die within 3 seconds of taking damage from Reyna, they drop a Soul Orb. Reyna can consume this to heal herself quickly. If Empress is active, the ability is cast automatically and does not consume a Soul Orb.Skill 3 – EliminateConsume a Soul Orb to become invulnerable for a short time. If Empress is active, you even become invisible.Ultimate-empressReyna enters a battle frenzy, gaining increased fire rate, equipment, and reload speed.

Why is Reyna so good for beginners? Reyna doesn’t have to rely on her teammates and can also fight solo. Her skills allow her to heal after each successful gunfight or quickly retreat in an invulnerable form. If you’re good at placing your shots and would rather hunt enemies solo, Reyna is the top choice.

3. Brimstone

roletacticianAbility 1 – Stim PackThrow a Stim Pack on the ground. Upon impact, the Stim Pack creates a field that grants players combat stim and a speed boost.Ability 2 – Smoke in the skyCall up a map where you can place three smoke bombs. These smoke bombs block the players’ view.Skill 3 – IncendiaryEquip an incendiary grenade launcher. Fires a grenade that leaves behind a carpet of flames after a short time. Ultimate – Air StrikeCalls up a map where you can place a laser airstrike that deals high damage.

Why is Brimstone so good for beginners? Brimstone is a simple tactician that allows you to control the map in a relaxed manner. Your smoke grenades help to block areas of the map from your opponents’ view. This makes it more difficult for them to scout areas to know where you or your teammates are.

Additionally, the incendiary and air strikes help you to block off other areas or drive enemies out of their cover to lure them into an ambush. But don’t use Brimstone as a Rambo – his skills are more tactical in nature and not aimed at kills.

2. Raze

roleDuelistAbility 1 – Boom BotActivates a boom bot that moves in a straight line across the ground and bounces off walls. It can attach itself to enemies and then explode to deal massive damage.Ability 2 – Explosive PackThrows a packet of explosives that sticks to surfaces. Enemies hit by the explosion take damage and are knocked away.Ability 3 – Colour BombsThrows a grenade that explodes and spreads cluster bombs that also explode.Ultimate-Full throttleTake out a rocket launcher and shoot a rocket at your enemies.

Why is Raze so good for beginners? Raze is explosive and can therefore keep her enemies at bay. She can use her boom bot to find out if enemies are nearby.

If there are any, the explosive pack or the paint bombs can be used, depending on the number of enemies, to deal heavy damage. Together with her rocket launcher, she can also cause explosions at a distance. As with Reyna, Raze is not dependent on her team and can also get by well on her own.

1. Gekko

roleinitiator Skill 1 – WingmanSends Wingman to detonate an explosion that will detonate the nearest enemy in your area. Can also plant and defuse spikes. When Wingman expires, you can pick him up again as a ball.Ability 2 – DizzyDizzy can be sent out like a flying grenade to blind enemies with plasma shots. When Dizzy expires, you can pick him up again as an orb.Skill 3 – Mosh PitThrow Mosh at an area to spread it. The contaminated area deals damage over time. When Mosh expires, you can pick it up again as a ballUltimate – ThrashLink up with Thrash to guide her through enemy territory. Jump on enemies to disable them.

Why is Gekko so good for beginners? Gekko is an all-rounder and can control the battlefield with his little animals. Whether you send Wingman to plan the spike or want to push an area with Dizzy – everything is possible with Gekko.

Mosh Pit also helps you hold an area and drive enemies away from you. With Thrash you can also incapacitate multiple enemies or scout an area from a safe distance.

If your animals die, you don’t have to worry. You can easily pick them up again in their bubbles.

That was our list of the 7 best agents for beginners. Which agents would you recommend for beginners or do you have other tips and tricks for players who are just starting out with Valorant? Let us know your opinion in the comments. You can find out more about Valorant here: Players feel sick when they see how much money they spent on a free game – but it has a “fair” cash shop
