The 65 popular Corsican first names for girls and boys

The 65 popular Corsican first names for girls and boys

Corsican first names have the particularity of being original and melodious. An ideal choice if you are looking for a warm little name with character. Get inspired by our selection of first names for girls and boys.

Corsican first names are one of a kind. Choosing a small name from the Island of Beauty means betting above all on originality. They are recognizable thanks to their sounds and their endings in A for girls and in O or U for boys. Most Corsican first names are both melodious and sparkling. They recall the sun and the light of the Island of Beauty so appreciated throughout the world. Corsican first names are also full of character, which has its little charm let’s face it. Moreover, since the beginning of the 2000s, on the Island of Beauty, future parents have increasingly favored the choice of a first name in the Corsican language. Anyway, that’s what the latest INSEE statistics, published in September 2022. This phenomenon would be due to a desire to personalize as much as possible the first name assigned to the future toddler. In 2021, first names Ghjulia, Alba and Livia were particularly trendy for little girls, and on the boys’ side Andria, Gabriel and Lisandru were at the top of the first names chosen.

If you are in lack of inspiration for the choice of the first name of your future baby, discover our selection of 65 names for girls and boys, each cuter than the other which you should like.
