The 5 reasons why women postpone their maternity plan

The 5 reasons why women postpone their maternity plan

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    While actress Jennifer Aniston has just confided in a magazine about her many attempts, a little belated according to her, to get pregnant, a survey conducted by IVI, the world leader in reproductive medicine, reveals the 5 reasons that slow down French women in their maternity wishes.

    “I would have liked to be told: ‘freeze your eggs, do yourself a favour’, but we don’t think about it. Today it is too late”. It is with these sincere words that the actress of Friends, Jennifer Aniston confided in her regrets in the number pace of December, revealing a long, albeit belated, journey to becoming a mother. And it is no exception when you look at the statistics.

    A peak of birth between 35 and 44 years

    Between biological clock and self-realization, women conceive their motherhood later and later, the peak of birth in France settling between 35 and 44 years old according to Public Health France. In addition to a decrease in fertility among the youngest women, this figure is mainly exploited by increasingly late pregnancies. “More and more women are postponing their pregnancy plans each year, while some of them even decide never to experience it: nearly 56.3% of women aged 25 to 29 do not yet have a pregnancy. children. Meanwhile, 34.9% of women aged 30-35 have not been mothers; the percentage of childless women aged 36-39 drops to 28.9%, and 19% for women over 40″ reinstates Dr. Elisa Gil, gynecologist at IVI, the world leader in reproductive medicine.

    To find out why, the clinic network published the first study “Maternity and fertility trends in France”a vast survey carried out by GFK, an expert in market analysis, with a first observation: nearly 52% of women aged 25 to 29 are delaying their maternity plans due to the current socio-economic context.

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    5 reasons for postponing motherhood

    The survey was carried out on nearly 1,000 women of childbearing age, each of whom openly gave the reasons for their restraints when they still have a desire for motherhood, which is not an obligation. more.

    • “I am too young ! ” : This is the reason given by 17.3% of respondents, aged under 36, who have not yet decided to embark on the adventure of motherhood.
    • “My professional career is now a priority! ” : Nearly 34% of women under 26 have not had children because of their professional situation; and 36% say they have difficulty reconciling work and family life.
    • “I don’t think my current partner is the right one.“After 36 years, finding the right partner becomes one of the most important factors in launching a maternity plan. But at this age 30.8% of people questioned said they had no partner.
    • “By becoming a mother, I risk losing the freedom that I enjoy so much!”: this factor linked to social evolution is the sign of a new generation. This is also the reason given by 79.4% of women who do not want to be mothers.
    • “I am not financially ready” : for women under 36, the main reason for postponing or abandoning maternity is financial. Women today want to be independent, which means having a career.

    Data that proves that the next generation is evolving, but that is not to be dismissed. “Potential future mothers are independent women, careerists and attached to their freedom. This must be taken into account in public health policies in order to better prepare for the birth rate of tomorrow”emphasizes Dr. Gil.
