World of Warcraft is full of powerful women. We present the five strongest of them to you here in the power ranking for the MMORPG WoW.
World of Warcraft is full of strong characters that have been built up over many years and sometimes over several games. We introduced you to the most powerful villains a while ago – today we’re devoting ourselves to the most powerful women that the Warcraft universe has produced so far.
Please note that the power of characters can only be estimated to a certain extent. We are referring here mainly to the power they have according to the story and not to the actual level they have in the game.
Not included in this list are gods (such as Elune, Eonar or the Winter Queen) whose power cannot yet be fully classified.
5. Sylvanas Windrunner
Sylvanas Windrunner was the Ranger General of Silvermoon during her lifetime and was turned into a banshee by Arthas. After regaining her free will and her own body, she took over the leadership of the undead Forsaken people.
Sylvanas is relatively low in the rating because a large part of her power is “borrowed” strength. She was saved from death several times by the Val’kyr and her abnormal powers during Battle for Azeroth were mainly from the Jailer, who also gave her the strength to defeat the Lich King Bolvar and kill Saurfang with a single attack.
Meanwhile, Sylvanas is reunited with the missing part of her soul and is serving her time collecting and rescuing souls from the Maw.
But it is probably only a matter of time before the Banshee Queen appears again and her path leads back to Azeroth.
4. Jaina Proudmoore
Jaina Proudmoore began as a simple but promising mage apprentice of Archmage Antonidas and in just a few years blossomed into one of the strongest mages on Azeroth.
In her early years, she traveled alongside Arthas and helped him research the plague that was ravaging Lordaeron. Later, she quickly grew in power, even learning from the great mage Aegwynn.
Jaina has now become a prominent character who keeps appearing and impresses with her magical skills. She did so during the attack on Undercity, where she transformed a huge ship into a magical weapon. During the attack on Dazar’alor, she was even the final boss of the raid and held the entire Horde army at bay – until she fled after the Alliance troops had been assured of their retreat.
WoW Short Film: Warbringers: Jaina – Daughter of the Sea (original)
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Not only was she the founder of Theramore and, among other things, absorbed the power of the Thunder King with her staff – she was also the ruler of Dalaran, advisor to the King of Stormwind and is Lord Admiral of the fleet of Kul Tiras – and thus effectively the ruler of this nation of seafarers.
The three most powerful women in Warcraft are on the next page.