The 5 earth continents could soon merge in one – the researchers give a date

The 5 earth continents could soon merge in one

It would be there between 40 and 70 ° C.

A continent is a large extent of land surrounded by one or more oceans. By convention, it is said that there are 5 continents on earth, excluding the Antarctic which has no indigenous human population. This will not always be the case: after a certain number of years, the continents of the earth will eventually merge into a single continent, following the movements of the tectonic plates which occur permanently in the earth’s crust, alert researchers of the advanced computer research center of the University of Bristol (United Kingdom).

Average temperature of the hot month on the supercontinent © University of Bristol

This future “Supercontinent” is called “pangea ultima”. And according to the very first models created from superordinators, it will be hot, dry and “almost uninhabitable”. “”The emergence of a supercontinent would lead to a triple blow, including the continentality effect (increase in thermal amplitude, editor’s note)a warmer sun and an increase in the concentration of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere, which would lead to an increase in heat on a large part of the planet. The result is an essentially hostile environment, devoid of food and water sources for mammals“Summarizes Dr. Alexander Farnsworth, principal author of the study in a press release.

Concretely, it could make between 40 and 70 degrees Celsius, even extreme temperatures even more important, aggravated by high humidity levels, specify the researchers in their study published in Nature Geoscience. The sun will be more brilliant and will emit approximately 2.5% more energy than today. These unlivable climatic conditions could be accompanied by more frequent volcanic eruptions even more warming the planet. Thus, humans – like many other species – would eventually disappear because of their inability to evacuate this heat through perspiration.

When will this continental merger occur? That we reassure ourselves, it is not tomorrow the day before since the researchers estimated an approximate deadline of 250 million years. “”Of course, this assumes that humans will stop burning fossil fuels, otherwise we will see this phenomenon occur a lot, much earlier“, alerts one of the authors. For the time being,”It is essential not to lose sight of the current climate crisis, which results from human greenhouse gas emissions. While we are planning an uninhabitable planet in 250 million years, we are already under extreme heat that harms human health. It is crucial to reach carbon neutrality as soon as possible“, insists the co-author, the Dr. Eunice Lo, researcher in climate change and health at the University of Bristol.
