Wuthering Waves is a free action RPG for iOS, Android and PC. MeinMMO gives you a few tips that you should keep in mind when you start.
What is Wuthering Waves? Wuthering Waves is a free-to-play action RPG that reminds many players of Genshin Impact. Both games offer a large, open game world and rely on an aggressive gacha model for monetization.
MeinMMO presents you with the best tips if you have just started playing the action game.
Don’t waste currency on the standard banner
Asterite is the premium currency that you can either buy for real money or collect in small amounts in the game. Simply put: Wuthering Waves uses Asterite to finance the aggressive gacha system.
Especially at the beginning, it may be tempting to spend your earned asterite on the standard banner for drawing characters, but you should use it sparingly.
Because anyone who has ever played a gacha game like Genshin Impact or AFK Journey knows that in the first few days you will be bombarded with rewards and premium currency. This is primarily intended to keep you interested and entice you to stay in the game. But the amount of rewards decreases drastically after a few days. After a few days you only get tiny amounts through dailies and small events.
You should therefore save your collected asterite for limited-time banners with exclusive characters and weapons, as the standard characters are always there and lose their importance more quickly. The exclusive characters are usually among the best characters in the game. At the moment, the developers are giving away a free 5-star character of your choice to all players.
Wuthering Waves, the action RPG launches in May
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Unlock and complete dailies as quickly as possible
All service games now rely on a battle pass and daily tasks. In Wuthering Waves, there are also some very strong rewards behind them. For example, you get Union experience points for completing your dailies and also a decent bonus of asterites, which you need for the banners. You unlock the daily activities as soon as you have successfully completed Act 3, Chapter 1.
Even though the open game world of Wuthering Waves can be very tempting, first play through the main story until you unlock the dailies and can collect your rewards every day. After that, you can devote yourself to exploring the game world.
Using wavesplates efficiently
Waveplates are the resource you need for certain activities and progress. They are consumed but recharge after a while and are very similar to resin in Genshin Impact.
Especially at the beginning, you should use your energy in a targeted manner and not just do random activities. For example, prioritize important tasks such as Tacet fields and simulation training, depending on which resource you need most to advance your characters.
Increase the Union level as quickly as possible
The Union Level in Wuthering Waves reflects your progress and power in the world of Solaris-3. It can be most closely compared to the Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact. Increasing your Union Level has all sorts of benefits and rewards:
At the beginning, you should therefore try to increase your Union level quickly. The best way to do this is with the main story, but you can also collect a lot of experience points for the Union every day with the dailies.
A few very good ways to increase the Union level are:
Please note that we do not guarantee completeness. In the future, more activities will be added that will give you experience points for the Union.
Collect every echo wherever you can find them
Echoes are pieces of equipment that can be equipped on your characters and can provide a whole range of buffs. Each Echo is also associated with an ability that ranges from simple damage to team buffing. These values are randomly determined.
In Wuthering Waves, every enemy in the game world has a chance of dropping an echo. The problem is that this only happens randomly. You not only have to be lucky that an enemy drops an echo, but also an echo with good stats. That’s what makes the RNG system so appealing, but it also takes up a lot of time because you can’t farm specifically.
Basically, it is recommended to collect all the echoes you can find every day. This is because you can later convert the echoes into better versions. To do this, however, you have to collect enough of the parts. Since the echoes’ reinforcements and bonuses are worthwhile, you should defeat every enemy that crosses your path in the game world.
All currently available characters in Wuthering Waves: Here you will find a list of all the characters in Wuthering Waves that are playable. We will also explain how you can get all the characters in the game: Wuthering Waves: All characters and how to get them