The 5 best drinks to protect your prostate

Certain drinks are said to have positive effects on the urinary and prostate system, thus reducing the risk of prostate adenoma or cancer.

In addition to plain water which contributes to good prostate health by eliminating toxins and waste from the body, certain drinks are said to have positive effects on the urinary and prostate system, thus reducing the risk of adenoma or cancer of prostate. Here are the 5 best.

Pomegranate juice: against the progression of prostate cancer

Drinks rich in antioxidants such as pomegranate juice are recommended if you want to protect your prostate. They will act against free radicals which particularly attack prostate cells“, explains our interlocutor. A study published in 2006 in the Clinical Cancer Research showed the benefits of pomegranate juice in slowing the progression of prostate cancer. In this study, daily consumption of 240 ml of pomegranate juice (from concentrate, 570 mg of polyphenols per serving), or a large glass approximately, extended 39 months the time needed to double the PSA level (prostate specific antigen). The PSA doubling time corresponds to the main marker of the progression of the disease. Slower progress means better prospects and, in general, longer life expectancy.

Coffee: reduced risk of prostate cancer

For men who do not have any particular prostate problems and if consumed in reasonable quantities, i.e. 1 to 4 small cups per day, coffee would be quite good for the prostate.“, indicates our interlocutor. A Japanese study, published in review The Prostate and the results of which were presented at the congress of the European Association of Urology in 2019 even showed that two of its components (the kawhéol and the cafestol) would have protective effects against prostate cancerand would prevent metastases by preventing the growth of drug-resistant prostate cancer cells.

Green tea: PSA slows down faster

Green tea is rather interesting for the prostate, thanks to its richness in polyphenols, antioxidants. In a study published in 2014 in Prostate cancer and prostate diseaseresearchers showed that supplementing with foods rich in polyphenols (a mixture of green tea, pomegranate, turmeric and broccoli) made it possible to slow the progression of prostate cancer (assessed by measuring PSA, prostate specific antigen). In this randomized controlled trial, the 199 participants with an average age of 74 years old had prostate cancer and were divided into two groups (one which received the placebo and one which received the supplement corresponding to a mixture of green tea, pomegranate, turmeric and broccoli). The results show that between the start and the end of the study, PSA levels increased by an average of 14.7% in participants who received the dietary supplement rich in polyphenols and of 78.5% in participants who received the placebo.

Cranberry juice: effective against chronic urinary infections

Cranberry juice has shown positive effects in men withbenign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate), which are more prone to urinary infections. A study published in December 2020 in the Journal of Medicinal Food observed that consuming cranberries (in powder form in the study) for 8 weeks led to a significant reduction in prostate weight of 33%.

Hibiscus infusion: facilitates the passage of urine

Diuretic drinks are especially good for blocked urination. They relax the muscles and thus facilitate the passage of urine. So yes, they can be interesting in case of swelling of the prostate“, explains our expert. Among them, we can cite infusion of hibiscus, cherry stem, dandelion, peppermint... But also a tablespoon of cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water.

Thanks to Raphaël Gruman, dietician-nutritionist.
