Night City has a lot more fun to offer since Update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077: In addition to the system changes for skills and cyberware, there were also a lot of quality-of-life adjustments that received positive feedback from many users.
With Update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red has polished the game to the best of its knowledge and belief. The players also praise this, even though they have been dying more often since the patch than before. On Reddit and TikTok, among other places, the community also shows their personal highlights, which we have collected for you here.
Car fights
In one of the first trailers for the base game, V shoots his way out of a moving car. Unfortunately, this didn’t work at launch. A point that caused discontent in the community.
Since Update 2.0 you can do exactly that: fight on the street with your firearms. With the new advantages you can now also hack other cars and use them as a distraction, for example. In the
In the video you can see a chase between V and the NCPD after the update:
Cyberpunk 2077: Car combat and the new NCPD AI
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You are now preparing yourself with cyberware
Since Update 2.0 you can finally dress your V however you like. In the past, your armor value and how much damage V can withstand depended on the level of your clothes. This has led to a lot of wild clothing combinations, which again doesn’t fit with cyberpunk lore:
In Night City, you are what you wear. Your style influences how other people react to you and speak to you. Unfortunately, this feature didn’t make it into the final game, but in theory a V dressed as a Corpo should expect to be rejected in areas populated by street gangs. A Nomad-V, on the other hand, will get into trouble in the Corpo-heavy City Center.
In order to still give players individuality and a “cool style”, CD Projekt Red even introduced a kind of transmog system like in World of Warcraft in an earlier update. Now, as written, it doesn’t matter and you could even play with a naked V if you wanted.
On reddit, user srjnp also says: “Before 2.0, I never had the feeling that I needed cyberware for my revolver and sniper headshot build. With the revamped armor system and other changes, it finally feels like an important part of the game.”
You get one of your first long quest series from Regina Jones. She targets so-called cyberpsychos – Night City residents who have installed too much cyberware. They slowly lose their own identity and go crazy. Most cyberpsychos leave a trail of destruction and death in their wake.
Regina expects your V to help her better understand cyberpsychosis. To do this, you should strike down the affected people and leave them alive on the spot. Now your V could also become one of Regina’s cases.
David, the main character from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, also has his experiences with cyberpsychosis:
Cyberpunk Edgerunners – Trailer
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Since Update 2.0 you have a limit on how much cyberware you can install. It is possible to exceed the limit up to a certain point. But to get the most out of the available upgrades, you need the Edgerunner perk.
We present our suggestion for a good “Edgerunner” build in our build guide:
The 3 best builds for Cyberpunk 2077 after Update 2.0
CD Projekt Red has overhauled the AI of the Night City Police Department (NCPD). On the one hand, they are now more present, and on the other hand, they react more quickly to your illegal activities. Just hack a car and escape from a gang? Accidentally hit an NPC while parking? The NCPD is on to you now.
Depending on the severity of your crimes, you will have more or fewer police officers on your heels. If you take refuge in your car, you will quickly find yourself in a full-blown chase – this is where the car fights described above really come into their own.
However, the new behavior is causing confusion for one Reddit user: If he intervened in shootings before the update, the police were grateful for the help. But in a video he shows that the NCPD is now attacking him themselves. User Rock_Soldier_Tom simply replied: “Well, technically you’re not supposed to ‘help’ the police kill people, are you?”
You can also see how stubborn the NCPD can be in the video above.
Are you already having fun in Night City after the update? Are you already in Dog Town? We would be happy to receive your comments.
And if you want to delve even deeper into Night City, you can do so here:
Cyberpunk 2077: Fans have been nibbling on the biggest mystery for 3 years, now even NPCs are joining in and getting closer to the solution