The 3rd most common type of cancer in the world! Beware of the hidden danger in the gut

The 3rd most common type of cancer in the world

It is stated that in 2020, approximately 2 million people in the world and approximately 20 thousand people in our country were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Moreover, in recent years, statistics have shown that the incidence of colon cancer has increased day by day in people under the age of 50.

By causing the colon concert to be seen more in the younger age group; Factors such as obesity, which is an important problem of our age, and the increase in smoking, are shown.

Colon cancer is actually a type of cancer that can be largely prevented and can be treated with satisfactory results if diagnosed early. Because 90 percent of this cancer is caused by polyps, and these lesions can be prevented before they turn into cancer, thanks to regular colonoscopy screening.


Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital General Surgery Specialist Dr. Emir Çapkınoğlu stated that even if there is no risk factor to be protected from colon cancer, everyone should have regular colonoscopy screening starting from the age of 45. It is recommended to look for occult blood in the stool every year and to be evaluated for colonoscopy every 5 years. However, the frequency of screening varies depending on many factors such as your risk factors and additional diseases. If polyps are detected during colonoscopy, they can be removed immediately during the procedure, thus preventing future colon cancer to a large extent. In addition, if the cancer has developed, it can be completely cured by catching it at an early stage.


Although the exact cause of colon cancer is not known yet, it is stated that many factors may be responsible. Causes of colon cancer; It is divided into two groups as preventable and non-preventable. The most important unavoidable cause is a family history of colon cancer. In addition, being older than 50 years of age, having a history of polyps in the colon, and having been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease are among the unavoidable causes.


Smoking, chronic alcohol intake, sedentary lifestyle and obesity are among the preventable causes. Although many factors are responsible, polyps located in the intestine are the most common cause of colon cancer. Polyps, which can develop in almost everyone, are usually harmless. However, some of the polyps can turn into colon cancer, which can be fatal in a period of 8-10 years. General Surgery Specialist Dr. Emir Çapkınoğlu explained that colon polyps are only detected by regular colonoscopy method, since they do not cause any symptoms, and said, “Colon polyps can be safely and completely removed with the colonoscopy method, which is completed in 10-15 minutes. Therefore, the best prevention method from colon cancer is regular screening and removal of polyps.


Colon cancer symptoms usually appear as polyps begin to become cancerous. It is mostly manifested by some symptoms such as changes in bowel habits such as going to the toilet more or less frequently, bloating in the abdomen and blood in the stool. General Surgery Specialist Dr. Emir Çapkınoğlu says, “Knowing the symptoms at least helps to detect colon cancer at an early stage,” and continues: “The earliest symptom of colon cancer is often occult bleeding in the stool. Symptoms such as abdominal pain and bloating usually appear when the tumor gets a little bigger.


When diagnosed at an early stage, very successful results can be obtained in the treatment of colon cancer. So much so that the 5-year survival rate is as high as 90 percent, especially in early stage colon cancer, which is limited to the intestinal wall. In colon cancer that is caught early, the surgical method is usually applied first. In this method, the tumor area and the surrounding tissues are removed together with the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are examined under a microscope to determine if cancerous cells have spread beyond the colon. If cancer cells have not spread to the environment, it is possible to talk about early stage colon cancer, but if spread to the environment is detected, it is considered as advanced stage colon cancer.


General Surgery Specialist Dr. Emir Çapkınoğlu states that in most patients, the two ends of the colon can be connected immediately after the cancerous part is removed, and says, “This way, the patient can return to his daily life faster and there is no loss of quality of life.” According to the stage of cancer; Before or after surgery, chemotherapy and rarely radiotherapy are used. Dr. Emir Çapkınoğlu, pointing out that closed techniques such as robot and laparoscopy are used in early stage girth cancers that have not spread to distant organs, he says, “These methods provide important benefits such as returning to their daily lives in a shorter time, thanks to less pain and less risk of infection.”

